Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I only have the intention of attending the seminar if it's conceivable for me to do so. I have a fam

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I've been offered the opportunity to attend a 5 day seminar in Toronto in November (I'm not sure whether it's alright to name names of the provider so I'll err on the side of caution and leave it blank at present. If it's alright then please let me know and I'll be happy to divulge). I've also been offered the opportunity to take a guest along with me if I can find one who would like to go.
I am in the UK and have never been to Canada so my question really is, where is there to stay in Toronto? I've got limited funds, but would dearly love to attend this seminar. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
2.)   Not having a car - if you do not have a car, recognize Toronto is a LARGE city, and you will want to stay nearby.  It can be VERY cold in November, so if you are walking, it will be better to stay at the venue where the seminar is held. I have only been in ONE city where the taxis ripped me off.  That was Toronto. If you use a Taxi and they do not start the meter when you enter the car, demand they do or goet out and find another taxi.   But in the downtown victoria hotel amsterdam area, there is good public bus service.
Tell me the location of the seminar ( it it would be OK to say what seminar it is) and I will give yu some ideas of specific victoria hotel amsterdam hotels that would be inexpensive and good.   I have stayed in many places in and arond Toronto..
I'm still not sure as yet where exactly the venue is, just that it's being held in Toronto. The seminar is eing hosted by Igor Ledochowski and is themed on the Mind Bending Language system that he teaches.
Oddly, Igor does not have it posted where I could find it on his webiste.    People who take his courses seem happy. victoria hotel amsterdam   I would email him and ask him WHERE the venue is.   My guess is, he will also have a deal with the hotel and will not pick an expensive hotel.    So your best bet is probaly the venue itself, but if you find out where, I will give you some tips and alternatives.
I understand that you probably have a prior relationship to Igor and maybe have put him up on a pedestal (particularly because over his over hyped marketing)  but the fact is there some very, very good NLP trainers in the UK and i am sure that you could learn whatever it is you want to learn without victoria hotel amsterdam spending money that you can ill afford.
I only have the intention of attending the seminar if it's conceivable for me to do so. I have a family to provide for, and plenty of responsibilities to account for also, so I shan't be even considering shelling out money that I don't have.
However, if it comes about that I find myself in the position victoria hotel amsterdam to be comfortably able to make the trip and attend then I will. In the meantime I just thought it prudent to do as much shovel work as possible in readiness for the possibility of attending.
I don't believe I've set Igor on a pedestal precisely, but I have developed a respect for his methodology, his teaching style, and his promotion at all times of the ethical use of hypnosis within the whole community of practitioners, whether hypnotherapists or entertainers.
I gladly take on board your point regarding the training available within the UK, and I definitely intend to improve and expand my knowledge and understanding by taking advantage of the wealth of wisdom that is available right here on my doorstep, especially as I have recently accepted a position as a tutor in Yorkshire for those making a start in their career as a hypnotherapist. Coupled with what that will undoubtedly teach me, I have a great thirst for understanding within our art, and hope to be able to create victoria hotel amsterdam my own school of learning some time in the future.
Of course, if he picks some suburb or airport area, you will NOT get the same effect as staying downtown.    Downtoan is AWESOME!    Of course, I was single when I was spending time in Toronto.... That could be coloring my biases about how wonderful it is....   hehehehe
I've wanted to visit Canada for quite a few years, I've heard before that its a great place, I'm looking forward to satisfying my curiosity even more now - whether victoria hotel amsterdam in November or at some other point in the future! Haha!
Richard Clark MFT commented on Tamera Fontenot, LMHC's photo My friend Petey-RIP 9-26-12 15 minutes ago Hazlerig- victoria hotel amsterdam www.HypnosisAustin.com commented victoria hotel amsterdam on Tamera Fontenot, LMHC's photo My friend Petey-RIP 9-26-12 25 minutes ago Hazlerig- www.HypnosisAustin.com replied to Ivan Fernandez's discussion Effectiveness of Hypnotic suggestions while person is sleeping or unconscious state 26 minutes ago Ricky Strode replied to Ivan Fernandez's discussion Effectiveness of Hypnotic suggestions victoria hotel amsterdam while person is sleeping or unconscious state 39 minutes ago Tamera Fontenot, LMHC commented on Tamera Fontenot, LMHC's photo My friend Petey-RIP 9-26-12 42 minutes ago Ivan Fernandez posted a discussion Effectiveness of Hypnotic suggestions while person is sleeping or unconscious state 1 hour ago
Paul Matthews replied victoria hotel amsterdam to Marc Carlin's discussion Free Marketing Tele-seminar on using Groupon to attract clients and make money in the group Hypnosis Trainings Bulletin Board 1 hour ago Jenny Macias , Michael Love , Raymond A. Brown and 1 more joined HypnoThoughts.com 2 hours ago Andrew Kroninger joined Bobby Herdman's group New Hypnotists 2 hours ago

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