OH MY GOODNESS! There is one thing I know for sure: there is a lot of fun out there to be enjoyed ; your age doesn t matter! Those who have been following my blog will remember the story of Mrs. Moore and my meeting a young drummer on the EuroStar when we were returning from Paris to London last month. Remember? He sat with us, and we had a wonderful time hearing about his new life as a drummer in a rock band called TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB. We were taken by his story and the music history of this young 21-year-old musician name BEN THOMPSON. As the train pulled into St Pancras International Station in London, we exchanged email addresses and said our warm GOOD BYE S feeling like we had met someone we would like to keep in touch with. We had taken the last train from Paris to London so it was midnight colonnade hotel boston before we arrived home, but I went to my computer immediately and looked up BEN THOMPSON colonnade hotel boston and the TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB. Needless to say, I was curious. We sent Ben an Email thanking him for sharing his story and hoped we would meet again one day whenever or wherever. We knew we wouldn t get an email back because he said HE WAS SO HUNGRY AND MAYBE HIS GIRLFRIEND WOULD STIR UP SOME BEANS ON TOAST. The next morning, colonnade hotel boston I noticed Ben s return email on my computer which contained information about the TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB s next American tour. We noted that the group was coming to Las Vegas on 27 October, performing at THE HOUSE OF BLUES in the hotel MANDALAY BAY. My wife said LET S GO. So, I emailed Ben to say Stephanie, June, and I were coming to Las Vegas to see him and hear his band. We have exchanged emails over the past several weeks about how his tour was progressing. colonnade hotel boston And sure enough, they were filling the house at every stop. I emailed Ben that we would pick him up about 5:00 on 27 October and have dinner at the LOTUS OF SIAM (best Thai restaurant in the world!) and on to the HOUSE OF BLUES. Everything worked out like magic; we ate fabulous food and heard the TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB at a table accommodation that Ben and his friends chose for us. THE HOUSE WAS PACKED, PACKED, PACKED colonnade hotel boston with young people standing even against the walls, layers thick. THEN LET THE SHOW BEGIN! colonnade hotel boston There we were, three vintage adults among hundreds of bouncing, waving young people having the time of their lives. colonnade hotel boston I looked over, and even June was clapping and waving her hands, smiling from ear to ear. My feet started tapping, and I picked up my camera and off we went just another part of a noisy, happy, wonderful bunch of human beings sharing music together. I watched Ben Thompson play/pound colonnade hotel boston his drums, and I could not imagine how one not-very-big guy could fly the sticks at such a speed that my poor camera almost said NO PHOTOS HERE BOSS! Well, I got lots of pictures let s say IMPRESSONS of a night I will never forget. After the show, Ben and his friends gave us an album called BEACON, signed by every member of the group to be given to my granddaughter Taylor who knows and enjoys the TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB music. We were given a tour of their huge, huge travel bus/home and their enormous trailer which carries all their equipment and instruments. It was late, and we knew it was time for us to head back to the hotel that s late for folks our age! But one thing we knew for sure was we would meet up in London colonnade hotel boston in January for another layer on our friendship cake. I have been traveling like this all my life in all circumstances, and I have dragged my own children with me on many occasions. But there is one thing for sure: YOU CAN HAVE THE WHOLE APPLE, not just a bite of this wonderful world! TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB, I am a friend and fan. I WILL SEE YOU IN JANUARY IN LONDON. God Bless!
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