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Myself and a buddy are flying to Geneva in December for three days in Meribel so are going to need car hire and I seem to remember that hiring a car from the Swiss side makes for easier and faster access to The mountains.
It's not the way it used to be. Only Air France (and maybe other French lines from French airports) now arrives to the French side of Geneva radisson hotel miami airport, so unless you are arriving from somewhere in France you will have no option but to get out on Swiss side as your luggage will be there. So makes sense to get a car on Swiss side. Airport is on a motorway and you will be in France in 5 minutes or less. You can get out on Swiss side, get your luggage and then go through check-in floor to the French side. On the way back near Ferney customs you will see signs Aeroport secteur France and follow them. However for destinations outside of France you will have to check in through Swiss sector.
Warning:- Snow Sports are Dangerous The information radisson hotel miami on, where not clearly factual, radisson hotel miami is opinion only. It is not definitive, nor is it exhaustive and you must confirm it for yourself before you act upon it. Wherever and whenever you decide to ski, you do so entirely at your own risk. Skiing is an action sport with many dangers, which you must identify and accept before participating. If you do not accept these risks and your responsibility for understanding them - please radisson hotel miami do not ski.
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