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BY SAM SLOM - Debate This! Did you get your fill of debates Monday? The Obama/Romney Presidential debate at 3 pm, Hirono/Lingle (US Senate) at 7 pm and Djou/Hanabusa (CD1) 8 pm. Most people are done and are glad there are no more debates; especially those that don't want to hear Mazie Hirono drone on about the same thing, attacking Lingle, Romney, George Bush and Sarah Palin -they're not on the ballot-without any thought of her own. Charles Djou and Colleen Hanabusa get the highest marks for no negative campaigning and respectful ads. Kawika hotel aline florence italy Crowley , the homeless vet running uphill against Tulsi Gabbard for Congressional District 2, still waiting for a debate. (Good luck!). There are still some local candidate forums, plenty of expensive commercials, and Ben Cayetano's lawsuit against hotel aline florence italy Pacific Resources Partnership and many defendants, including PR person Barbara Tanabe , whose you tube video helping her 93-year-old father vote went viral.
FAST With Panos . Dr. Panos Prevedouros will be the guest speaker at tomorrow's SBH SUNRISE Networking Breakfast, October 25, 7-8:30 AM, The Pineapple Room, Macy's, Ala Moana Center. Panos will discuss the new "FAST" O'ahu Transportation alternative. Q A to follow. Still time for you to come. Call Darlyn for reservations/info @ 396-1724.
Bye, Bye Donalyn. Donalyn DelaCruz , the capable communications hotel aline florence italy director for Governor Abercrombie, has left her position, following in the footsteps of Jim Boersema -and a dozen more- who have jumped the canoe of state.
Wild Wahine . This Friday, October 26, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, The Junior League of Honolulu hotel aline florence italy and Hawaii Business Magazine sponsor the Wahine Forum at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Many great speakers including keynoter Jenny Ming , President and CEO of Charlotte Russe and founder and CEO of Old Navy. For full information on the 2012 program or to register, visit:
Lei Chic . Honolulu Magazine's Lei Chic editors uncover new finds every day for their daily shopping blog . For one night only, Friday, October 26, 5-9 pm, they're handpicking a group of new or hard-to-find local jewelry, swimsuit, clothing, and accessories designers to set up shop.
They're turning the Mercedes-Benz of Honolulu showroom hotel aline florence italy (818 Kapiolani) into the second ever Lei Chic Pop-Up Boutique and stocking it with lines you rarely find in Oahu stores, if at all. Retro-inspired swimsuits, modern work and play dresses, hand-finished leather bags, adorable iPad covers, local cosmetics and jewelry ranging from bullet casings and porcupine quill creations by a UH fashion graduate to sparkling druzy concoctions handmade by an architecture PhD. Two collections are flying in fresh from Maui. You can do it with complimentary hotel aline florence italy cocktail and tasty treats. Admission hotel aline florence italy is $5.
Want $10,000? After months of television ads, Western Sky has started radio ads here telling you, you can get "up to $10,000 by tomorrow," in a quick money loan. "Yes, the money is a little expensive, but..." they don't say HOW much the loan costs. It is a sign of the continuing bad economy, nationally and locally, and of special business projects on Indian reservations. A Western Sky individual company hotel aline florence italy owner is offering the money, operated by the Sioux-Cheyenne hotel aline florence italy Tribe.
Stop Investment Fraud! The Hawaii Society of Business Professionals Luncheon November 29 features Special Agent Tom Simon of the FBI speaking about the epidemic of investment frauds that have been plaguing Hawaii. Register on-line at .
I-Pad Mini . Starting at $329, the new Apple Mini I-Pad was unveiled yesterday. Pricier than some smaller competitive notebooks, it is after all an Apple. Brisk sales expected. Apple also introduced an I-Pad 4 instead of just updating it. I like my full size I-Pad.
Taxed Too Much . The Hawaii State Tax Review Commission will be holding a meeting tomorrow, Thursday, October 25 at 9:00 am at No.1 Capitol hotel aline florence italy District Building, Room 436; 250 S. Hotel St. Honolulu. The topic is the final draft report on evaluation of revenue and tax policy as required by HRS §232E-3. Hold onto your wallets; the Commission hotel aline florence italy wants to raise more taxes. You gotta be kidding me! Then, the Council hotel aline florence italy on Revenues will meet next Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 1:00 pm in the DLIR Conference Rm. 310-312 at 830 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, to update lawmakers and the public on economic revenue estimates.
SBA Entrepreneurs . The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced the successful completion of the 2012 e200 Emerging Leaders Initiative. Fourteen small business owners conducted their final presentations before expert panels comprised of business consultants, experienced business executives, entrepreneurs, and bankers in the last week. The powerful executive-level training course provides small business owners who demonstrate potential for growth with the resources, skills and the network to help them drive their business to the next level of success and sustainability.
"The e200 Initiative has been a catalyst for expanding opportunities for many promising small businesses in under served communities," hotel aline florence italy SBA District Director Jane Sawyer said. "The results gathered from follow up surveys of past e200 classes showed dramatic gains for graduates. They've increased revenues, gotten bigger contracts, formed joint ventures and taken on entrepreneurial expansion. We witnessed some great strategic planning hotel aline florence italy by these business owners that will accelerate business growth and create more jobs."
To be eligible to participate in the e 200 Emerging Leaders Initiative, a small business must be at least three years old, have achieved annual revenues of $300,000, and have at least one employee. Only one person, the key decision maker of the small business, attends the classes and mentoring groups. In Hawaii, the initiative for entrepreneurs will target small businesses in underserved market segments such as those owned by Native Hawaiians.
The nine-month training includes approximately hotel aline florence italy 100 hours of classroom time per participant and provides the opportunity for small business owners hotel aline florence italy to work with experienced mentors, attend workshops and develop connections with their peers, city leaders, and financial communities.SBA will open recruitment for the 2013 class in mid- January.
Ballot hotel aline florence italy Snafu . First it was the mess on the Island of Hawaii during hotel aline florence italy the Primary, now the State Office of Elections hotel aline florence italy printed the ballots, sent duplicates to Manoa, hotel aline florence italy and printed the wrong order of candidates for the Presidential listing. (Romney is first, Obama is last). There probably will be some administrative changes after the November 6 election.
Xmas Trees. Oahu's Christmas tree farm, Helemano Farms, hotel aline florence italy will have hundreds of Leyland Cypress trees and thousands of Norfolk Pine trees available for the 2012 holidays. Visitors also can see the young varieties of new sophisticated hotel aline florence italy Christmas trees to be sold during future holiday hotel aline florence italy seasons. Located in Wahiawa, the farm has been growing Christmas trees for a decade. They open for the 2012 holidays hotel aline florence italy the day after Thanksgiving.
HRA Awardees. Reminder, next Monday, OCTOBER 29, the Hawaii Restaurant Association inducts a new group into the 2012 HRA Hall of Fame. Those selected have "demonstrated dedication and commitment to the growth hotel aline florence italy of the restaurant and food service industry in Hawaii, contributed to the enhancement of its quality and image, and demonstrated service through outreach."
Hawaii Reporter On The Air. Go to for the real investigative news. HR, founded by Malia Zimmerman, continues to break major investigative stories that most of the media won't touch. Tune in to KHVH (830 am) every week day now at 7:05 am to hear Malia's report.
hotel aline florence italy See Your Ad Here. Some readers have inquired about placing an ad on the right margin of these weekly blasts which reach more than 10,000 people. Interested? If you want your business ad posted, the cost is $50 for one placement or $150 per month (4-5 placements). Contact Darlyn at SBH (396-1724) for specifics.
Professor Panos Prevedouros from the University of Hawaii School of Civil Engineering and one of the architects of Governor Ben Cayetano's FAST (Flexible Affordable Smart Transportation) proposal will be this month's SBH Sunrise speaker.
Former Governor hotel aline florence italy Cayetano who is running for Mayor of Honolulu against Kirk Caldwell is presenting hotel aline florence italy the FAST transit proposal hotel aline florence italy as an alternative to the fixed heavy rail train option that the city wants to build, but is temporarily on hold pending the outcome hotel aline florence italy of an archaeological study ordered by the Hawaii State Supreme Court.
SBH members and their guests pay $25 (in advance) for networking, the program, a complete buffet breakfast and free parking. Participants are all introduced and may bring promotional materials. The cost is $35 at the door if space is available.
Sen. Sam Slom, R-Hawaii Kai-Diamond Head, is an entrepreneur, small business owner and consulting economist (SMS Consultants); President hotel aline florence italy of Smart Business Hawaii hotel aline florence italy (SBH) and the SBH Entrepreneurial Education Foundation. He graduated from the University of Hawaii-Manoa. Reach him at
Recent Comments Nancy Siemers on Kauai's Kilauea River shimmers once again. hotel aline florence italy The river was severely polluted during the 2006 Ka Loko Dam Breach but residents petitioned the government to clean up the river. ANDREA JANET PANG on HAWSCT Continues To Grapple With What Qualifies As 'A Constitutionally Protected Customary Or Traditional Native Hawaiian Practice' Former Gov. Cayetano Slams Previous Honolulu Mayor for Dirty Campaign | Mami Picture on For
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