What happened this last ten days at Cummings High School is a good example of what we could use the fund balance for, he said, referring to a burst water pipe that required w hotel new york city work there and at next-door Broadview Middle School.
Cole said working out a formula w hotel new york city for how much fund balance the system should maintain could be feasible, but added she would like something of a reassurance from local government as well as state government for adequate funding for children.
Beavers suggested keeping w hotel new york city 5 to 8 percent of the system s budget in a fund balance would be appropriate to meet emergencies in school facilities. Beavers did not criticize the school board for using part of the fund balance this year to cover gaps in funding for non-building needs, but made the general statement that the fund balance w hotel new york city should not be used to meet recurring expenses.
Thompson suggested a standing fund balance of between $5 and $7 million might be prudent. Thompson said the system and school board must be good stewards of public money, adding You just can t close your schools when there is an emergency in a school building. She said the system should have enough w hotel new york city to avoid going to the county with every need.
AMONG THE FOUR candidates, there was a consensus in favor of a proposed sales tax increase that would be used to pay for a career-related training facility at Alamance w hotel new york city Community College and for economic development in Alamance County.
There was some confusion among candidates because of the wording of the question. Beavers said he is for the facility w hotel new york city at the college but cautioned there has to be a way to pay off debt. He said a sales tax, in broad terms, could be preferable to other taxes, using the income tax as the example.
Beavers w hotel new york city described himself as a zero tolerance-type person on holding students to proper behavior standards. If students are disruptive in a classroom, he said, the system needs to find a setting in which they can be educated without causing problems for other students.
Thompson agreed you cannot let children slide with stuff like that and mentioned the system s new Ray Street Academy, meant to be an alternative for students struggling in their home school, as a positive step.
Because the question was asked in terms of protecting teachers in classroom, Cole said she agreed with statements about safety and discipline but also said We need to protect the job of every teacher.
Monday night s forum was the first of two planned for this month by the Times-News and WPCM. The second is planned for 7 pm on Oct. 15 also a Monday at the Paramount Theater. That forum will include candidates for state House and Senate and the Alamance County Board of Commissioners.
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