My first full day in London is coming to a close, and it's been a busy one. And it's been cold. COLD. We're talking about 8 degrees Celsius. dinner cruise new york I have resorted to buying some fleece-lined tights, which are going to save me.
Sandemans runs a walking tour every single day, starting at 11AM, as well as at 1PM. All you need to do is to be at Wellington Arch (Tube details: Get to Hyde Park Corner station and then take exit 2) and look for the lovely people in red shirts.
During those hours, we visited many historical sites and got a stack of my favourite things in the whole world: random facts. I think my favourite one was this - After his death, Henry VIII's body was left in his room as part of the mourning process. Due to his last meal being a couple pears and some cider, dinner cruise new york this did not go well and he EXPLODED. Can anyone dinner cruise new york say karma? *hem, hem*
Now that we've dealt with that grisly factoid, let's focus on the actual sites we visited: Wellington Arch, Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament, St Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square and Big Ben, and many others dinner cruise new york too.
A quick note about free walking tours: They do NOT take you inside the actual sites. Instead, they serve as a great introduction to a city and, depending on who your guide is, you can also get access to some insider information.
After the tour, we spent the rest of the day walking around London, including a visit to Regent Street and a stroll down Oxford Street - two streets dinner cruise new york famous for their shopping opportunities. Since I strongly dislike dinner cruise new york shopping, I used the time to do some people-watching. And since it was Saturday and the sidewalks were packed, I was rewarded greatly.
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