Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Great March was scheduled to commence at 11 AM from Freedom Plaza, where it would proceed down P

The Great March was scheduled to commence at 11 AM from Freedom Plaza, where it would proceed down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the front steps of the Capitol. On the 9-12 web site, the agenda directed those wishing to participate in the march to assemble at Freedom Plaza starting at 9 AM. William Temple, a Revolutionary-era re-enactor from Georgia, was in charge of organizing the contingent that was supposed to lead the march. He contacted all the re-enactors by e-mail, instructing them to assemble at 8 o clock so they would have time to organize their ranks. At 7:30 AM I walked the 4 blocks or so from my hotel to Freedom Plaza. I was struck by the large numbers of people walking there at so early an hour but stunned by the sight that greeted me when turned the corner and saw the plaza: it was packed with people almost a thousand had already gathered and hundreds were arriving every minute from every adjoining avenue. I had never before in my life witnessed anything like this much less participated in it. At that moment I realized I was about to become a part of history.
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