Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Don't spin your wheels. If you get stuck in the snow, spinning your tires too fast can overheat them

The U.S. DOT Federal Highway Administration reports that 24 percent (about 1.5 million) of all car accidents are weather-related. When you factor in snow, sleet, black ice, and frigid temperatures, it's easy to understand why winter is considered the most dangerous season.
airline flight times Ice forms when the road is wet and its surface temperature drops below freezing. Because the ground warms more slowly than the air, ice may still be on the roads even if it's not freezing cold outside.
This surface ice can stop your tires from getting a good grip, making steering and stopping difficult. And while icy roads are extremely dangerous, black ice is even more so. Black ice is a thin layer of ice that forms on the roadway, but instead of looking icy, the road appears wet. It usually has a matte appearance rather than the glossy one typical of icy roads. Black ice tends to form at night or in the wee hours of the morning, and drivers tend not to notice it until they've lost control.
Check the exhaust pipe. Double-check that your exhaust is clear of snow or debris before getting on the road. A blocked pipe may cause carbon airline flight times monoxide gas to leak into your car while the engine is running.
airline flight times Don't pass snowplows. A nice explanation from the Wisconsin DOT: " Snowplows have wing plow blades that can extend anywhere between 2 and 10 feet beyond the width of the truck. This wing plow blade is often not seen because of the snow cloud being kicked up by the snowplow. These wing plows can often weigh as much as a compact car."
Don't spin your wheels. If you get stuck in the snow, spinning your tires too fast can overheat them, which can lead to a minor explosion. Gently rock your car back and forth if you find yourself stuck.
Inspect your tires. Since fall weather often changes from warm to cold, your tires can expand or contract, which leads to loss in air pressure. airline flight times Always make sure your tires are properly inflated and have plenty of tread.
Make sure your antifreeze is a 50:50 mix: half antifreeze, half water. This mixture prevents the liquid from freezing in low temperatures. You can check your mix with an antifreeze airline flight times tester, which you can find at most auto parts stores.
Stock up on emergency supplies and keep them in your car. Good emergency kits include: a flashlight, first-aid kit, flares, window washer fluid, tool kit, blanket or sleeping bag, gloves, paper towels, de-icer, drinking water, extra food, and sand, salt, or kitty litter (and maybe a good book in case you have to wait for help).
airline flight times Winter is a season to be reckoned with. By practicing driving precautions in winter weather and making sure your car's winterized, you can reduce your exposure to driving dangers airline flight times and the risk of a weather-related car accident.

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