Friday, October 26, 2012

Be alert to the existence of street crime. Thieves tend to target money and passports so don’t keep

This advice has been reviewed and reissued with amendments to the Travel Summary san antonio hotel reservation (removal of advice relating to Celtic FC v Barcelona FC). The overall level of the advice has not changed; there are no travel restrictions in place in this travel advice for Spain.
A number of demonstrations and industrial actions are expected in Madrid and other city centres during the autumn. These may affect local services. In particular, san antonio hotel reservation visitors are advised to check for possible transport delays before arriving in Spain and to allow extra time for transfers to and from airports. You are advised to stay clear of demonstrations.
There have been a number of deaths recently as a result of falls from balconies. Do not take any unnecessary risks, especially when under the influence of drink or drugs. It is unlikely that your travel insurance will cover you for such incidents. See Safety and Security san antonio hotel reservation -
Over 12 million British nationals visit Spain every year (source: Instituto de Estudios Turísticos), making it one of the most-visited countries by Britons in the world. Most visits are trouble-free, san antonio hotel reservation but there are instances where support from our Consulates is needed.  See General - Consular Assistance - Statistics.
You should apply for a free European Health Insurance Card to be eligible for state provided medical treatment that may become necessary during your trip. You should also take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling to help cover any unexpected costs such as medical bills or stolen belongings. Take enough medication and money to cover any unforeseen extended stays or emergencies. See the Health section for more information.
Be alert to the existence san antonio hotel reservation of street crime. Thieves tend to target money and passports so don't keep them all in one place and keep a photocopy (or scanned copy) of your passport somewhere san antonio hotel reservation safe. See Safety and Security - Crime for more information.
Print our pocket sized advice leaflet and wallet card before your visit to Spain. The documents contain travel tips, numbers and expressions you may need in an emergency and information on what our Consulates can and can't do to help .
There is a general threat from terrorism. British nationals are not considered a specific san antonio hotel reservation target, but attacks could happen in places visited by expatriates and tourists. The Spanish authorities are fully aware of the impact of terrorism and take measur es to protect san antonio hotel reservation visitors, but you should be vigilant. Disruptions from real or hoax terror attempts can be expected. You should follow the instructions of the local police and other authorities.
The Basque terrorist organisation ETA has been less active in recent years and has not mounted any attacks since 2009.  On 20 October 2011 they announced a "definitive cessation san antonio hotel reservation of armed activity".  ETA's last major attack was in 2006.  British san antonio hotel reservation Nationals have not been a target of ETA terrorism.
The vast majority of visits made to Spain by British nationals are trouble-free. Be alert to the existence of street crime, especially thieves using distraction techniques. Thieves often work in teams of two or more people and tend to target money and passports. san antonio hotel reservation In many cases, one person distracts the victim while the accomplice(s) perform the robbery. When carrying valuables (e.g. credit cards or cash) don't keep them all in one place, and remember to keep a photocopy or scanned copy of your passport somewhere safe.
A significant number of Emergency Travel Documents issued by consulates in Spain are as a result of travellers having san antonio hotel reservation their passports stolen while passing through the airport, when arriving in or departing from the country. Special care should be taken to guard passports, san antonio hotel reservation money and personal belongings when collecting or checking in luggage at the airport and also while arranging car hire.
In some city centres and resorts, thieves posing as police officers on foot patrol may approach tourists and ask to see their wallets for identification purposes. If this happens to you, be careful. First establish that the officers are genuine. If the police request ID, either show them your passport, driver's licence or other photographic identification. Genuine police officers do not request to see wallets or purses.
If you are a victim of crime call 112. To report all crimes, including stolen property and lost or stolen passports, you will need to visit your nearest  Policia Nacional or Guardia Civil Station to make a police report (denuncia). If you have had belongings stolen, you will need to keep the report for insurance purposes. If your passport is lost or stolen, keep the police report i) for insurance purposes, ii) to apply for an emergency travel document from your nearest British Consulate and iii) to apply for a replacement passport when you return to the UK. Make sure you obtain a 'police report' (una denuncia) and not a 'sworn declaration' (una declaración judicial), as the latter may not be accepted as evidence of the crime for insurance purposes, or when applying for your new passport.
Personal attacks, including sexual assaults, are infrequent but they do occur, and are often carried out by other British nationals. Be alert to the possible use of 'date rape' and other drugs including 'GHB' and liquid ecstasy. Buy your own drinks and keep sight of them at all times to make sure they are not spiked; female travellers should be particularly watchful. Alcohol and drugs can make you less vigilant, less in control and less aware of your environment. If you drink, know your limit - remember that drinks served in bars are often stronger than those in the UK. Avoid splitting up from your friends, and don t go off with people you don t know. See our Rape and Sexual Assault Abroad san antonio hotel reservation page.
There has been an increase in reports of burglaries of holiday accommodation in the some areas. san antonio hotel reservation Make sure that your holiday accommodation san antonio hotel reservation has adequate security measures in place and ensure that all doors and windows are locked at night or when you are not in. It is advisable to ensure the security of your valuables including your passport. If you are concerned about security of your accommodation, san antonio hotel reservation you should speak to your tour operator or the owner. You should familiarise san antonio hotel reservation yourself with the contact details of the local emergency services and the location of the nearest san antonio hotel reservation police station.
When driving, be wary of approaches by bogus police officers in plain clothes san antonio hotel reservation travelling san antonio hotel reservation in unmarked cars. In all traffic-related matters, police officers will be in uniform. Unmarked police vehicles have a flashing electronic sign on the rear window which reads Policía (Police) or Guardia Civil (Civil Guard), and normally have blue flashing lights which they will activate when they stop you. In non-related traffic matters, police officers may be in plain clothes but you have the right to ask them to identify themselves. The Civil Guard or Police will only ask you to show them your documents and will not ask for your bag or wallet/purse. san antonio hotel reservation Should the police ask for ID, show your passport, driving licence or any other photographic ID.
If in any doubt, you should talk through the car window and contact the Civil Guard on 062 or Police on 112 and ask them to confirm that the registration number of the vehicle corresponds san antonio hotel reservation to an official police vehicle.
Be aware of highway pirates who target foreign-registered and hire cars, especially those towing caravans. Some will (forcefully) try to make you stop, claiming there is something wrong with your car or that you have damaged theirs. If you decide to stop to check the condition of your/their san antonio hotel reservation vehicle, stop in an area with lights/people, e.g. a service station, and be extremely wary of anyone offering help.
When driving or taking breaks on motorways, san antonio hotel reservation be alert for anyone who attempts to stop you or ask for help. British-registered cars and hire-cars are proving an easy target for motorway gangs who use a wide variety of scams, including posing as police officers, faking accidents and staging breakdowns, to distract unsuspecting holidaymakers, while an accomplice then steals bags and belongings from the vehicle. See this news item  on motorway robberies.
There have been reports about lottery scams in Spain; a person receives what appears to be official notification from the Spanish Inland Revenue office (Hacienda) that they have won the Spanish lottery and are required to deposit money in a bank account to receive their winnings. It is likely to be a scam if:
There have been a number of very serious accidents (some fatal) as a result of falls from balconies. A number of these incidents have been caused by British nationals being under the influence of drink or drugs. Most of these accidents should have been avoidable. Travel Insurance companies will often not provide cover for incidents involving those under the influence of drink or drugs. It is also important to note that medical evacuation is not covered by the reciprocal health arrangements between Spain and the UK, nor by the European Health Insurance Card. See our Travel Insurance  page.
Take care when swimming in the sea. Some beaches, especially around Spanish Islands, may have strong undercurrents. Most of them have a flag system in operation. Before swimming, please ensure you understand the system and heed any warnings (a red flag means you must not enter the water). You should take extra care if there are no life-guards, flags or signs. Follow local advice if jellyfish are present.
Temperatures in some parts of Spain, in particular away from the coastal areas or in mountainous areas, can change very quickly. Extra care should be taken when planning a hike or walk to check local weather reports for warnings of extreme heat or cold temperatures.
If an accident occurs whilst mountaineering, canyoning, potholing or climbing, or if you become lost in the mountains or other areas requiring mountain rescue, call 112 for the emergency services or 062 for the Civil Guard.
For advice on safety and weather san antonio hotel reservation conditions f

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