Thursday, September 27, 2012

While standards were lower at the compound, security had been enhanced at the post after a number of

The mission was a rented villa and considered a temporary facility by the agency, which allowed enterprise rental car company a waiver that permitted fewer guards and security measures than a standard embassy or consulate, according to the officials.
Someone made the decision that the mission in Benghazi was so critical that they waived the standard security requirements, enterprise rental car company which presents unique challenges to the diplomatic security service as you can imagine, said Fred Burton, vice president for Intelligence at STRATFOR, an intelligence analysis group.
While standards were lower at the compound, security had been enhanced at the post after a number of incidents this year that included a failed bombing attempt against the compound in June, according to sources.
Several security changes were made over the past few months, the officials said. These included additional barriers and barbed wire, increased lighting, chain link fences, additional sand bags and closed circuit television.
We took the place and made improvements to it in a continued fashion, one official enterprise rental car company said, adding that a pre-September 11 review of base security deemed the post to be adequately secured given the threat.
enterprise rental car company The threat assessment was based in part on the June attack and previous attacks on other foreign targets, which included the attempted kidnapping of a Red Crescent staff member, a bomb attack on a United Nations convoy, a rocket enterprise rental car company attack on an International Committee of the Red Cross facility, and a similar attack on the British ambassador s convoy.
U.S. officials have said the attack was a spontaneous enterprise rental car company outgrowth of a protest over an anti-Muslim film. Officials told CNN s Security Clearance last week there were questions about whether there was a significant protest ahead of time.
About 20 minutes after that conversation, the American spoke with a U.S. security officer to discuss logistics about the upcoming meeting. enterprise rental car company That call also revealed no signs of any pending trouble, he said.
The American had a second call with the security officer a little enterprise rental car company more than an hour later, enterprise rental car company around 9:30 p.m. local time, and the situation had dramatically changed. The security enterprise rental car company officer told the American enterprise rental car company we ve got a real problem here and hung up.
The timing matches what CNN s Arwa Damon, who has been reporting from Benghazi, said about the September 11 attack. Damon reported a group of armed individuals showed up outside the consulate around 9:30 and a firefight broke out within 30 minutes.
The American source was at his hotel, located a little more than a mile from the diplomatic post, when he heard large explosions coming from the direction of the mission enterprise rental car company seconds after the phone call.
This is worse than incompetence! What is anyone supposed to think? Who asked for and who granted this waiver? When, exactly, did that happen? The senators who asked for cables from Stevenson enterprise rental car company said, Despite these warnings, the State Department sought and received a waiver from the standard security requirements for the consulate, making it sound like the standard wasn t lowered until just before the attack.
What if a new Marshall Plan were organize to redesign and rebuild big cities of the Middle East? New bond issues could be voted on to help pay for this. Oil revenues and minerals income could pay back these new bond issues. There is an unemployment rate of 25 percent. This may be contributing to the unrest in these cities. You could hire the youth of these cities to rebuild their towns paid for with these new bonds. As part of the redesign of these Middle Eastern cities, you could add layers of new walls with checkpoints and close some roads surrounding our embassies. enterprise rental car company Thus make them more safe. I believe we should look into forming new bond issues into redesigning and rebuilding those Middle Eastern cities. You could solve a few problems (mentioned above) at once.
Is this a joke? The Marshall plan was designed to rebuild bombed out cities and ruined economies post WW II. And you suggest we should do the same here? How could you ever think this is a similar situation? Do you honestly believe that throwing infrastructure $$$ at the region enterprise rental car company will improve anything? Clearly lack of money and infrastructural improvements are the basis for the entire regions discontent. Maybe we should also air drop Playstations 3s so that every child can understand how much more fun it is to kill over a high speed internet connection rather than real life! Problem solved, enterprise rental car company nothing to see here.
The U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, was operating enterprise rental car company under a lower security standard than a typical consulate when it was attacked this month, according to State Department officials. No sh-t. Now lets crawl before the UN and apologize some more.
Less security at a military base in the mideast ? are they nuts ? We have been at war with the mideast for 60 some odd years now and some brilliant pencil neck decides they dont need top security at a U.S.Military base ?whomever made that choice should be arrested
We know that you are racist as always you call Obama obozo, I m wondering what education level you have even it s clear from your comments that your education level can t be even good to be hired as a toilet enterprise rental car company cleanner, you have to thank God that you still around Rednecks give you some connection to get a job without High School diploma, and by the way even obozo is good nickname than Redneck!
Whom ever Mike is that was berating M123, should really proof read his posts prior to speaking about another persons education level. Based on the grammar enterprise rental car company he used I would say Mike is functioning at about a 7th grade level. Might have completed more school but it obviously wasn t retained. I can t understand how these failures occur. How can security be at a low level on, of all dates, Sept. 11th? How can any outpost of the US be seized and our citizen killed with out one fatality on the side of the aggressor? To many questions and to many lies attempting to cover it all up.
It is a marvel and a concern that those who guard and watch over America had no clue that a terrorist attack was planned against our Ambassador to Libya and the whole USA compound! Actually, the most basic common sense would deduct that it was not prudent to put any representative Americans in a country that just suffered violent revolution and was infested with terrorists. What the heck were they doing there under those conditions and in that climate. Hey, they were sitting ducks–and no one in Washington snapped to that fact? Is this the way USA is being protected?
If we didn t send an ambassador we would have offended Muslim sensibilities. If we brought Marines in to guard the compound it would have offended Muslim sensibilities. If we hadn t apologized for the sins of our past to kings and dictators it would have offended Muslim sensibilities. Even now Obama grovels before enterprise rental car company the UN blaming a short film but not his own policies. I am surprised he hasn t blamed those tea party terrorists yet. It seems Dems and Obama have more hate for them than those who slaughter our people.
Look.... This isn t a political enterprise rental car company issue (despite attempts above to somehow call night .... day ...... Facts are facts. I ve served in security positions in embassies in many parts of the world..... No matter what, protection of the AMBASSADOR is mission enterprise rental car company #1. I m not saying we don t look out for other embassy staff, properties, Americans in the country etc.. I m just sayin protecting the personal life of the Ambassador is PARAMOUNT. He / she is the physical embodiment of the American government in that country. So here s the score:
As a former FSO, myself, I agree. The problem comes from the lies afterwards when the administration just did not want to tell the truth to the American people. I have written about this over at The Diplomad 2.0 at
What s the problem. enterprise rental car company Obama said Muslims are not terrorists. His policy is that if we re nice them and send them a lot of money they will be nice to us. What happened? Could it be that Obama is on the wrong side?
In addressing his wealthy donors about the 47%, Mitt Romney said my job is not to worry about them because they re going to vote for the President. Well, Ambassador Stevens was also a Democrat! Would Romney have worried about Ambassador Stevens if he was President? I doubt it!
Blah Blah Blah your name says it all. Romney was talking about his campaign enterprise rental car company strategy NOT whether he was concerned economically about the 47% . He was in a room full of donors and was responding about how he would reach undecided voters. He was just stating the obvious that there were many voters he could not reach no matter what his message as they were committed to Obama already and that he had to concentrate on those he could reach. Nothing sinister here no matter how much you wish to spin it.
I think the government can careless for our people enterprise rental car company in those areas. They just let it happen so they can make their points/cases to the world. We have enough knowledge, technology enterprise rental car company to set up boobies trap to protect and take out those intruders when they become a threat.
One question that I find very troubling and no one is yet to ask is why didn t Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans try to ease tension by waving a white flag and trying enterprise rental car company to negotiate their way out of the crisis. After all, that is what Ambassodors do, they negotiate and compromise and when their backs are against the wall, they bring out the best negotiating skills. Furthermore, even if they had been captured and kidnapped, I believe that failure to negotiate with the insurgents negated any chances of a future rescue by our Navy SEALS. I just don t understand why they ddidn t try to negotiate their way out instead enterprise rental car company of panacking and allowing themselves to be overcome by smoke innihilation. Very sad and confusing.
First, These people who are attacking are not fightting under any rules of engagement. The are outside the Geneva convention. Second, from everything I have read the attackers were not in any kind of pos

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