Thursday, September 27, 2012

The research seems to have unveiled its findings at the right time, as it has been found that the go

Free bus pass ticket scheme in Britain is said to be quite beneficial for elderly, says a research. The study was taken out by a group of researchers from Imperial College London. It concluded that the scheme helps elderly to walk and hence helps them to remain fit.
In order to reach at the above given result, the study researchers assessed four year long data, which was being extracted from the U. K. National Travel Survey. After assessing the data, it was found that elderly having bus pass tends to walk more miles, which makes them over come a number of health complications.
Lead researcher Sophie Coronini-Cronberg from the college was of the view that one more thing, which they have noticed during the study was that the benefit was derived by one and all, irrespective of the social background.
The research seems to have unveiled its findings at the right time, as it has been found that the government has been thinking to cut the service due to ongoing financial problems. The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, luxurious hotels in venice has given one more reason to the government to not to axe the free service.

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