Monday, September 3, 2012

Most U.S. airlines have continued making profits in 2012 despite the sluggish economy and historical

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Most U.S. airlines have continued making profits in 2012 despite the sluggish economy and historically high prices for jet fuel. They ve been able to boost fares by holding down the number buy airline tickets of flights and the supply of seats.
United Airlines and Delta Air Lines, the two biggest carriers, confirmed that they matched the Southwest increase. American said Friday afternoon that it had not raised buy airline tickets prices. US Airways and JetBlue did not immediately return messages for comment.
Sometimes airlines roll back price increases when competitors don t match them. That happened this week to Delta, which tried to raise prices on 3-day and 7-day advance-purchase tickets favored by business travelers.
Rick Seaney, CEO of, said price increases supported by Southwest rarely collapse. The opposite is normally the case, he said, as many hikes fail due to (Southwest s) lack of participation.

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