Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ms. Meredith refused to passively accept such astonishingly inept attempts to rewrite the narrative

In the final chapter of Moby Dick,  Ishmael walt disney world tickets survives to tell the tale as the Pequod s lone survivor by clinging to Queequeg s elaborately carved coffin:   Buoyed up by that coffin, for almost one whole day and night, I floated on a soft and dirge-like main. The unharming sharks, they glided walt disney world tickets by as if with padlocks on their mouths; the savage sea-hawks sailed with sheathed beaks. On the second day, a sail drew near, nearer, and picked me up at last.
Ishmael walt disney world tickets s savior turns out to be the whaleship  Rachel , still searching for the lost son of her grief stricken Captain, a search that Ahab had refused to assist just a few days before. Now comes Adrian Vasquez, who has filed a lawsuit in Florida accusing Princess Cruises of negligence. Vasquez survived 28 days adrift in the Pacific on board Fifty  Cent, his disabled walt disney world tickets ten foot fishing vessel. The ordeal included watching helplessly as his two friends and fellow fishermen died of dehydration and heat stroke.
On the sixteenth day, the three men spotted the cruise ship Star Princess , which they then vigorously flagged using a red sweater and orange walt disney world tickets flotation jackets. Two cruise passengers saw the distressed boat through their birding walt disney world tickets scopes, and immediately informed a cruise sales representative, who in turn assured them that the ship's crew and Captain would be notified. However, the ship did not alter course, and made no effort to aid the distressed fishermen.
The preliminary results of our investigation have shown that there appeared to be a breakdown in communication in relaying the passenger s concern. Neither Captain [Edward] Perrin nor the officer of the watch were notified. Understandably, Captain Perrin is devastated that he is being accused of knowingly turning his back on people in distress. Had the Captain received this information, he would have had the opportunity to respond.
One of the birders, an American named Judy Meredith , attempted to contact the Coast Guard, but received no response. She later followed up with the cruise line and was told that the ship's log had indeed recorded contact walt disney world tickets with nearby walt disney world tickets fishermen walt disney world tickets fearful for the safety of their nets. By this account,  Star Princess then   slightly adjusted her course to avoid the (nonexistent) nets, after which the fishermen waved their shirts in a gesture of gratitude.
Ms. Meredith refused to passively accept such astonishingly inept attempts to rewrite the narrative and will testify in support of the Vasquez walt disney world tickets lawsuit. Explaining her actions both on board the cruise ship and back on terra firma, she said: If you are human, you do what you can.
While meditating upon the oceans of existential and political economic space separating the Star Princess from the Fifty Cent , we cannot help but to speculate whether the three young men on board the Fifty Cent  were simply too far down the food chain for the Star Princess  crew to perceive, indeed too insignificant to qualify as persons in distress worthy of the immediate assistance dictated by international maritime law. Since they were spotted through walt disney world tickets a passenger s birding scope, well then perhaps they were just sea birds or other irrelevant beasts?
The two fishermen who died were named Fernando Osario (age 16) and Elvis Oropeza Betancourt. Panama is proceeding with a criminal investigation  into the matter. One way or another, Adrian Vasquez will have his chance to tell the tale, and to seek compensation for the needless death of his two friends. If you are human, you do what you can.
This entry was posted on Monday, May 14th, 2012 at 13:10 and tagged with Adrian Vasquez lawsuit , Judy Meredith , panamanian fishing boat , persons in distress , Star Princess , strategic misperception and posted in Gregory Whitehead . You can follow any responses to this entry through walt disney world tickets the RSS 2.0 feed.

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