Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mr. Winner has published AIS�tracking data (see below) indicating that the Star Princess was in the

That s what Don Winner, cheapest airline flights from uk a blogger for, wants to know. �Mr. Winner reports on some disturbing developments in his article Panama Castaways Were Spotted By Cruise Ship Passengers - And Ignored By Ship s Captain.
The story involves the intersection of the paths of two ships, from different worlds so to speak, �The first vessel �- the�Star cheapest airline flights from uk Princess Star, a large luxury cruise ship operated by Princess Cruises of the Love Boat fame - filled with passengers enjoying a fun vacation. �The second vessel - Fifty Cents, a small (26 foot) fishing boat - with three young men aboard:�Fernando Osorio, age 16;�Adrian Vasquez, age 18; and�Oropeces Betancourt, 24, all from Panama.
The crucial moment came on the morning of March 10, 2012 when the Star Princess cheapest airline flights from uk was making the crossing from Ecuador to Costa Rica. �Mr. Winner writes that the little fishing boat s engine was dead and the boat was adrift when the giant Star Princess was seen steaming in its direction. cheapest airline flights from uk The fishermen, who had been at sea for 2 weeks, waived for assistance but the cruise ship passed by. �The distraught fishermen cheapest airline flights from uk must have concluded that their frantic waves were not seen by anyone on the cruise ship.
But it turns out that three cruise passengers (all bird watchers, with either cheapest airline flights from uk keen vision and/or equally keen�binoculars) observed the men calling for help and urgently alerted a crew member and pressed the matter further. �The cruise ship failed to stop. �One passenger tried to email the Coast Guard. When she contacted Princess corporate offices in California, cheapest airline flights from uk she was given the usual corporate non-response. � ��
The Star Princess failure to assist the stricken vessel resulted in�Oropeces Betancourt, 24, dying of dehydration later that same day. The youngest fisherman, Fernando Osorio, 16, died five days later after suffering from dehydration, sunburn and heat stroke. �Another nine days elapsed before Adrian Vasquez, 18, who survived on fish and rain water, was finally saved (while unconscious) from his ordeal near the Galapagos Islands, 600 miles from where the three young men had originally sailed from.
The Guardian newspaper in the U.K�has picked up on the story. One of the three passengers who spotted the small boat, Judy Meredith, 65, from Bent, Oregon, told the Guardian:� Finding out later that the Fifty Cents continued at sea for over two more weeks was horrific news. And two of the men died and both could have lived, had the cruise ship responded to our urgent request.
Mr. Winner subsequently contacted Vasquez, who confirmed that they had seen the cruise ship and had signaled frantically with his red T-shirt and the orange life vest, believing it would rescue them.
Mr. Winner has published AIS�tracking data (see below) indicating that the Star Princess was in the area at the time. �He has written a second article: Captain Edward Perrin - In Command Of Cruise Ship That Failed To Rescue cheapest airline flights from uk Panamanian Castaways which appropriately cheapest airline flights from uk questions why the Master of the�Princess cruise ship failed to respond to the emergency. �As Mr. Winner cheapest airline flights from uk correctly points out:
The master cheapest airline flights from uk of a ship at sea which is in a position to be able to provide assistance on receiving a signal from any source that persons cheapest airline flights from uk are in distress at sea, is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance,
It is accepted as the normal practice of seamen, indeed there is an obligation cheapest airline flights from uk upon masters, that they render every assistance cheapest airline flights from uk within their power in cases where a person or persons are in distress at sea. These obligations are set out in regulation V/10 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. �
This story deserves a wider audience and discussion. Please cheapest airline flights from uk take a moment to post the story on your facebook page, tweet it, and ask Princess Cruises and its parent company, Carnival, for an explanation.
We�re aware of the allegations that Star Princess cheapest airline flights from uk supposedly passed by a boat in distress that was carrying three Panamanian fishermen on March 10, 2012. At this time we cannot verify the facts as reported, and we are currently conducting an internal cheapest airline flights from uk investigation on the matter.
Princess Cruises is dedicated to the highest standards of seamanship wherever our ships sail, and it is our duty to assist any vessel in distress. We have come to the aid of many people at sea, and we will continue to do so.
Three english speaking passengers telling cheapest airline flights from uk probably a non-english cheapest airline flights from uk speaking crewmember what they saw and hoping the captain gets to hear of it. Not likely. It s very likely that nobody on the bridge saw the boat, and it is very likely that a 25 fibreglass or wooden boat will not show on radar.
Three english cheapest airline flights from uk speaking passengers telling probably a non-english speaking crewmember what they saw and hoping the captain gets to hear of it. Not likely. It s very likely that nobody on the bridge saw the boat, and it is very likely that a 25 fibreglass or wooden boat will not show on radar.
Three english speaking passengers telling probably a non-english speaking cheapest airline flights from uk crewmember what they saw and hoping the captain gets to hear of it. Not likely. It s very likely that nobody on the bridge saw the boat, and it is very likely that a 25 fibreglass or wooden boat will not show on radar.
I ve only been on a couple of cruises, but every crew member I ve ever spoken to had at least a basic understanding of English, and most were proficient enough to carry on an unimpeded conversation. I would wager that knowing basic English would be part of the job description for any crew that was likely to rub shoulders with passengers.
I ve only been on a couple of cruises, but every crew member cheapest airline flights from uk I ve ever spoken to had at least a basic understanding of English, and most were proficient enough to carry on an unimpeded conversation. I would wager that knowing basic English would be part of the job description for any crew that was likely to rub shoulders with passengers.
And even if they didn t understand ... it seems that ALL crew members would be trained to get someone else (higher authority and/or better understanding) when confronted with an obviously cheapest airline flights from uk distraught passenger .....
I ve only been on a couple of cruises, but every crew member I ve ever spoken to had at least a basic understanding of English, and most were proficient enough to carry on an unimpeded conversation. cheapest airline flights from uk I would wager that knowing basic English would be part of the job description for any crew that was likely to rub shoulders with passengers.
And even if they didn t understand ... it seems that ALL crew members would be trained to get someone else (higher authority and/or better understanding) when confronted with an obviously distraught passenger cheapest airline flights from uk .....
I ve only been on a couple cheapest airline flights from uk of cruises, cheapest airline flights from uk but every crew member I ve ever spoken to had at least a basic understanding of English, and most were proficient enough cheapest airline flights from uk to carry on an unimpeded conversation. I would wager that knowing basic English would be part of the job description for any crew that was likely to rub shoulders with passengers.
And even if they didn t understand ... it seems that ALL crew members would be trained to get someone else (higher authority and/or better understanding) when confronted with an obviously distraught passenger .....
You , sadly obvivously, do not fit into any of the four above mentioned catagories. So the rest of us ocean people would greatly appreciate it if you just spent the last few weeks of your miserable life laying in your bathtub with your never-ending glass of Bundy. And leave the worlds problems cheapest airline flights from uk to us adults......
I ve only been on a couple of cruises, but every crew member I ve ever spoken cheapest airline flights from uk to had at least a basic understanding of English, and most were proficient enough to carry on an unimpeded conversation. I would wager that knowing basic English would be part of the job description for any crew that was likely to rub shoulders with passengers.
And even if they didn t understand ... it seems that ALL crew members would be trained to get someone else (higher authority and/or better understanding) when confronted with an obviously distraught passenger .....
You , sadly obvivously, do not fit into any of the four above mentioned catagories. So the rest of us ocean people would greatly appreciate it if you just spent the last few weeks of your miserable life laying cheapest airline flights from uk in your bathtub with your never-ending glass of Bundy. And leave the worlds problems to us adults......
I ve only been on a couple of cruises, but every crew member I ve ever spoken to had at least a basic understanding of English, and most were proficient enough to carry on an unimpeded conversation. I would wager that knowing basic English would be part of the job description for any crew that was likely to rub shoulders with passengers.
And even if they didn t understand ... it seems that ALL crew members cheapest airline flights from uk would be trained to get someone else (higher authority and/or better understanding) when confronted with an obviously distraught passenger cheapest airline flights from uk .....
You , sadly obvivously, do not fit into any of the four above mentioned catagories. So the rest of us ocean people would greatly cheapest airline flights from uk appreciate it if you just spent the last few weeks of your miserable life laying in your bathtub with your never-ending glass of Bundy. And leave the worlds problems to us adults......
You are out of your depth here fuckwit. cheapest airline flights from uk Go back to your gun threads where you can get into your little wank sessions with your fellow crazies kid yourself you are protecting everybody from the gubmint . Just be carefull - your gun/penis might go off in your hand.
So you stand by your statement that the cruise ship captain was correct in not investigating a report(s) of a small fishing boat and it s crew signaling signs of distress, within binocular distance, from three separate passengers? Now think this thru completely, douche-fuck, before you answer, s kay? Cuz what little remains of the remnents of any credibility sailing/cruising acumen and status that you think you have on this forum are deeply in jeopardy....if you answer w

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