Monday, June 25, 2012

I wish I had more... friends and family come to visit me here in Korea. When I hear about friends he

As the story has it, I woke up and found myself on the very opposite side of the globe... February 16th, 2005 to be exact. I thought I'd do a year and then leave. mediterranean cruising with children Years later and I'm STILL here. I went from being just some random foreign girl to taking on labels I never thought I would -- university professor, film extra, professional boxer, mediterranean cruising with children personal trainer...etc.
In two days – yesterday and today – I've hosted five boxercise classes and held three personal training meetings. That's a lot of excessive training on my part but I love it. "Train hard, fight dirty and eat clean", this has been my daily motto lately and it's exactly how I have been living out my days these past couple of weeks.
I wish I had more... friends and family come to visit me here in Korea. When I hear about friends here who've only been here a year but yet their family or friends have already dropped them a visit, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed and bitter. I've been here for almost 8 years, EIGHT YEARS. And in these eight years, I've visited friends and family in Canada 5 times, 2 times of which I brought along someone with me (Snickers). With a couple of my tickets being during the Christmas season or last minute, I estimate I've spent $18,000 on plane tickets alone, not to mention the gifts bought and expenses while in Canada… ouch!!!
High school mediterranean cruising with children was... like a one massive do-it-all, free-for-all activity center for me. I bombarded my schedule with band meetings, drama practice, student council, field hockey and cross country because I wanted to explore mediterranean cruising with children my skills, it was free, and I love learning new things.
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