Sunday, July 8, 2012

This kind of information makes me cringe. Was there ever a species that was so abyssmally incompeten

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It is no secret that the U.S. military has used the ocean as trashcan for munitions in the past. Peter discussed at the Old DSN how federal lawmakers were pressing the US Army to reveal everything it knows about a massive international program to dump chemical weapons off homeland and foreign shores. The Army now admits that it secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets car rental monthly and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste either tossed overboard or packed into the holds of scuttled vessels. Brian pointed me to the Daily Press s in depth coverage of this whole issue . Registration is free and only takes a minute or two and is extremely worthwhile. Included at the site are maps of disposal sites (downloadable as pdfs), stories, descriptions of items dumped including nerve and musturd gas, and rather depressing pictures some are below the fold (all from Daily Press).
Hundreds of dolphins washed ashore in Virginia and New Jersey shorelines in 1987 with burns similar to mustard gas exposure. One marine-mammal specialist suspects Army-dumped chemical weapons killed them. (Photo courtesy of the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in New Jersey)
Scalloping off Virginia and Maryland, you get all sorts of strange military hardware in your gear for example, I have a full Navy flight harness from one of those trips hanging in my office. (As the pilot was missing, presumably he got back ) It s mostly the Europeans that are fishing in deeper waters these days, in part because there s not that much fisheries production left over there. Hence, it s likely that the EC will have to address car rental monthly this issue first, car rental monthly especially given our anti-proactive U.S. Department of Defense these days.
for thirty years, a 365 square mile area around the farallon islands (27 miles outside the golden gate) served as the nation s primary nuclear waste dumping ground this area is now the farallon islands national marine sanctuary from 1945 to 1970, when nuclear dumping at sea was prohibited, an estimated 47,500 barrels of radioactive debris from nuclear labs such as lawrence livermore labs were dumped in the area
ships irradiated in the bikini atoll nuclear bomb tests of the 1940 s and 50 s were sunk off the islands car rental monthly (including the aircraft carrier car rental monthly Independence), along with numerous undocumented materials the extent of contamination in the area has not yet been fully investigated though side scan sonar from the late 90 s identified close to 60,000 barrels scattered across car rental monthly the seafloor around the islands and near the edge of the continental shelf .
Wow! I registered and am waiting for further instructions so I might get the pdf format. I am apalled at what our military intelligence, isn t that an oxymoron, has done. No surprise that they are clueless! Thanks for the post and the info. Whgat could the general public do in a matter such as this?
SURF CITY, N.J. � The Army Corps of Engineers has removed World War I-era military munitions discovered on two Jersey Shore beaches, and officials expect car rental monthly the sand and surf will be ready for Memorial Day crowds.
The material was dumped at sea by the military decades ago, where it sat until it was sucked off the ocean floor and shot through a dredge pipe up onto the sand as part of a beach replenishment project over the winter on Long Beach Island.
Surf City, NJ where I live. After cleanup new rules state that you cannot dig below 4 -0 and cannot use metal detectors. The munitions came from a beach replenishment operation that dredged the coastline for sand. The 4 -0 digging limit leaves me to believe that the munitions were only cleaned out of the sand to that level.
I ve been following the Surf City story, too my family is planning to vacation there this summer! These munitions are mixed in with the replenished sand like raisins in a loaf of raisin car rental monthly bread. They will turn up on the beach after every big storm, so this is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Is there any reason to believe the military is telling the truth about the quantity of these poisons they ve dumped in our seas? In light of their propensity, nay, compulsion to lie, I would estimate you could double or triple the official estimates.
This kind of information makes me cringe. Was there ever a species that was so abyssmally incompetent at managing its own environment? Is there any other species that would do this kind of damage to its own habitat?
The horrible and irresponsible things we do to the other species that share our living space are a testament that we are not a mature race, that we are merely savages with guns. The west is -not one- iota better car rental monthly than a rebel in the random African country of your choice who believes that he will gain the strength of his slain enemy if he eats his heart/brain. The west is on that exact same level, there is no difference car rental monthly between us. We are all cavemen and on a fundamental level we really haven t got the slightest idea of what we re doing.
Concurrently car rental monthly with the laying of an undersea gas pipeline in the area a large number of phosphorous devices were found washed ashore car rental monthly (mostly in Scotland, some in Northern Ireland). Scotland s Fisheries Research Services looked into the matter: car rental monthly Surveys of the Beaufort s Dyke explosives disposal site, November 1995 July 1996 final report .
No this is most assuredly not common knowledge. Makes me sick and fucking enraged actually. It s like fucking rednecks who think the world is one giant toilet/trashbag for their own use. Maybe our species deserves a mass extinction event. Goddamn!
Listen, it s not that big of a deal. The Military has better things to do than care about the environment. Our business is big guns and big tits. If a whale or two gets in our way, do you really think we re going to lose sleep at night?
I m starting to get outraged at the outrage . All the intellectual head-smacking in disbelief (from Rick, above). Yes, the article sounds worrisome (Phosgene and cyanide for gods sake!). But let s get straight here: You re not REALLY car rental monthly bothered, are you? Ask yourself look in the mirror car rental monthly and ask your white, aging, computerhead Sopranos-watching self: What do I care? If I cared a whit, would I do something? Since I m not doing a goddamn thing, doesn t this prove I don t care in the slightest?
Look folks, wring your hands, read doom blogs, shiver about the science. But we live in a country where the government serves us, and it s on YOU to put the pigs in and out of office (Orwell). Since you re not doing anything for the last 6 years, shut up you just depress me.
Two professional acquaintances car rental monthly of mine worked for a while as tug captains in San Francisco. The job they were on had them towing car rental monthly hopper barges full of the dredge spoils from the Oakland/Alameda ship channel car rental monthly and basin.
They described to me unusually car rental monthly detailed procedures about how they dumped the dredge spoils. With utmost precision and government oversight, they would tow the barge offshore to a specific position a few miles west of the Farallone Islands. The bow and stern of the barge each had a GPS receiver that also transmitted their respective position to the pilothouse of the barge. car rental monthly When the door of the barge opened and released the spoils all kinds of data was recorded in a black box device. A surveyor would download data from the box on a regular basis.
Sometime in the 1960 s, a San Francisco based commercial fishing boat was in this area and brought on board a steel drum that, as it turns out, contained radioa

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