Monday, July 2, 2012

The park opened at 10, and we jumped on the shuttle at about 9.15 so we arrived early enough to sort

I have always loved anything Disney, and I can thank them for one of my best friends and I meeting while working in the Disney store to pay our way through University! Mr G and I have talked for some time about taking the boys to Disneyland Paris, and it has been on our 'to do' list since Boo was about 6months old! With his 4th Birthday and thoughts last minute hotel deals of starting school in September looming, we decided we'd go for it and take them to Disneyland Paris for the start of a summer of fun!
Now, our budget wasn't huge, so we shopped around and got a great deal on the Kyriad Hotel, which has a free shuttle to the park but was by far the cheapest hotel we could find within a reasonable distance. I have to be honest, the hotel was clean but imagine it in terms of a smart travel lodge. It was very noisy full of teenagers on school trips who ran up and down the corridors shouting and slamming last minute hotel deals doors until about midnight, but it didn't bother the boys as they were fast asleep! Breakfast - we enjoyed at 7am and there were plentiful croissants, fruit and cold meats, the buffet style did mean i can imagine it could be chaotic if you arrived in the midst of a school party! Dinner we discovered was 21 Euros per adult for a buffet dinner with limited last minute hotel deals choice (although fabulous deserts..) so unless you're very hungry (or tired!) I wouldn't recommend it.
The park opened at 10, and we jumped on the shuttle at about 9.15 so we arrived early enough to sort out ourselves out and get through the security checks without having to queue for long. Tickets sorted, at 10am we entered the magical world of Disney! I was so pleased we'd taken the bigger buggy for Elvis, as it meant he could nap easily and also Boo could sit it when he got tired and E was walking! The do have pushchairs (and wheelchairs) available to hire which is worth remembering as there is a lot of walking! I loved this magical sign to celebrate their 20th Anniversary welcoming us into the park!
We went straight for the Cars ride, the queue was very short and there was plenty of room for the buggy to be parked safely last minute hotel deals outside while we all enjoyed the ride! Actually, as pathetic as it sounds, I was terrified on the ride! The boys and Mr G all squealed and laughed while I shrieked and closed my eyes fearing the cars would actually crash into one another - silly me!
There was so much to take in, and with so much attention to detail you quickly get captivated and the magic comes alive! We sat look at the magical palace in the warm but wet weather, eating hot dogs and wondering what we'd see next! We ate at about 11.30 to avoid the masses, last minute hotel deals and the eateries were all fairly quiet, it also meant the boys were happy to keep going as they'd refuelled early!
Between rides and meeting Mickey Mouse, waving last minute hotel deals at Donald Duck and seeing the stars in their cars parade we packed so much into one day! There was something for each of the boys and Mr G and I to enjoy too! Tickets do appear pricey when you look initially, but when you are there you realise why! There is so much included in your ticket! So many rides, photo opportunities and staff to point you in the right direction and keep things last minute hotel deals running smoothly! With older children you could easily be there for the full opening hours - which at the moment are 10am until 11pm!
The only complaint we had was a distinct lack of any sightings of Winnie the Pooh or any of his friends, we searched throughout the park but didn't see them - not even in the stores! last minute hotel deals Did we miss them? Please let me know if they are there so I can look out for them next time!

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