Sunday, July 1, 2012

On the day that we left, we scheduled a 6:30 pickup, which we paid for in advance, but were late for

On the day that we left, we scheduled a 6:30 pickup, which we paid for in advance, but were late for because there was one front desk person helping another couple checking out, so the transfer to the airport left without us. We were told that they waited 10 minutes for us, so they left. Last I checked, we paid in advance for the service, so they needed to wait as long as it took us, right? Well, they didn't see it that way, and we were forced to take a taxi that we needed to pay for again. Shouldn't the resort have picked up the tab on that since we already paid through them for a roundtrip to and from the resort? international cheap air ticket This was unbelievable! Needless,
I spent 13 years of my life working in radio and 10 years as a writer/editor for The Aquarian Weekly. My career highlights included Waking Up with Whoopi Goldberg, spending my mornings with Baltazar and Goumba Johnny on KTU, and I was even a member of the Z-Morning Zoo on Z100! I've authored international cheap air ticket a toilet humor book called "S**T Happens" which is available on But my real passion is performing music as my girlfriend likes to call me a D-List Rock Star.

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