Monday, July 2, 2012

Dewdney and Casey have also built upon the system to add payroll generation. This allows Ammotio Acc

Armour Interactive, a new web-design and development agency based in Galway, budget whistler hotels is our tech start-up of the week. The company�s core product at the minute is Ammotio, a cloud-based application builder that aggregates online information so companies and employees, as well as contractors, budget whistler hotels can use it to input data around everything from expenses to hours they have worked.
Dewdney, who graduated from University of Ulster in 2002 with a degree in visual communications, says that he and Casey came up with the idea for the start-up after they had liaised on some web and software projects in Galway when they had been working as freelancers.
We came up with idea of forming Armour Interactive as a way of combining our skillsets and establishing budget whistler hotels a solid brand reputation. It was infinitely budget whistler hotels preferable to the continuous uncertainly that freelance life comes with! he says.
It means our software budget whistler hotels developers can quickly and easily build complex data structures, input forms and data importation maps. It allows for the creation of modules, which are groups of functions performed on certain structured data inputs to produce a report, says Casey.
Admin users can access the complete Ammotio system. They have access to details on all portal users and can generate system-wide reports and import and input data across all users. Portal users can only view and edit data pertaining to them, explains Dewdney.
Dewdney and Casey have also built upon the system to add payroll generation. This allows Ammotio Accounts to be used by companies with employees and not just contractors. It is initially being trialled by HSE Home Help staff in Dublin West, says Dewdney.
They have also added another partner to the business, John Cunningham. He operates a new business called Aeon Solutions. With Aeon we are developing an Amazon type e-commerce solution for Ireland. Aeon operates budget whistler hotels a huge automated 'pick and pack' factory in Dublin, explains Dewdney. He says the plan is to use Ammotio to control order management and distribution budget whistler hotels from this factory.
Organic growth also brings its challenges, he says. The main problem has always been balancing the ongoing development of our core platform with keeping cashflow steady. But, after 20 months, the fruits of our labour are beginning to pay off.
Never get ahead of yourself. We've had days and weeks where enquiries pour in. While this is certainly encouraging, we are always aware that this can be seasonal, so we never take anything for granted. Also, don't increase your prices when your workload increases. This is a sure fire way to lose clients in the long run, adds Dewdney.

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