Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We were in the air for nearly 55 hours and covered just about 26,000 miles in that two weeks. We spe

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My wife and I took an around the world trip in two weeks. sports car rental in las vegas I wish we could have had 80 days like in the movie but in radio we usually get only one week off at a time. Since this was a special 25th anniversary trip, my boss granted me two weeks off in a row.
Sitting on my deck in the backyard with the Official Airline Guide in my lap was one of the coolest things ever. The Official Airline sports car rental in las vegas Guide , world version, lists virtually every commercial flight in the world. It s about the size of a big city Yellow Pages book.  And I knew we could go just about anywhere in that book.
We decided to fly from east to west. We left Detroit and flew first to Atlanta on Delta. There we caught a Swissair sports car rental in las vegas 747-300 to Zurich. We spent one night there and the following day boarded a Singapore Airlines 747-400 for the 12 hour flight to Singapore. We spent a few days in Singapore and then hopped on a Singapore Airlines sports car rental in las vegas A-310-300 for the fabled island of Bali, Indonesia for four days. Next it was off to Hong Kong on a Singapore 747-400 for our final four days. Then a Singapore 747-400 flew us from Hong Kong to San Francisco. From there it was Delta back to Atlanta and eventually back home to Detroit.
We were in the air for nearly sports car rental in las vegas 55 hours and covered just about 26,000 miles in that two weeks. We spent seven different currencies sports car rental in las vegas on the trip: U.S. Dollars in the U.S., Swiss Francs, Singapore Dollars, Rupiahs in Indonesia, Hong Kong Dollars, Portuguese Patacas in Macau , and Chinese Juan in China . From Hong Kong, back then ruled by Britain and now part of China, we took a jet ferry to Macau then took a tour bus into China and returned to Hong Kong from mainland China in another high speed ferry.
We crossed parts of many of the great oceans and seas of the world on this trip including the Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
I was actually looking forward to trouble shooting problems along the way on this legendary trip. But amazingly, it came off nearly100% flawless. The only fly in the ointment came when we boarded our Singapore 747-400 to fly from Singapore to Hong Kong.  We were coming sports car rental in las vegas up on an hour late and the captain made the following PA announcement:  Ah folks, this is the captain speaking. I apologize for the delay. sports car rental in las vegas We have a passenger booked sports car rental in las vegas in first class and first class is sold out. We re trying to accommodate him in business class but he is refusing to take a seat there.  We hope to have it resolved soon and get you on your way. A guy a few rows up in front of us in first class said:  Screw him. He can have my seat. I don t mind flying business class. People jeered the stubborn moron when he finally made his way forward from biz class and took his seat in first class. I m shocked that the pilot didn t have him thrown off the jet. Singapore Airlines is the best in the world. Period. End of story.
I don t have enough time here to give you a complete review of the places we visited on this trip but here are a few thoughts. Zurich is just a typical working sports car rental in las vegas class city in Europe. sports car rental in las vegas To us, nothing special but certainly worth a visit. Their Kloten Airport is excellent. Singapore is a fascinating city filled with the very old and the very new. And yes, they are very tough on even minor lawbreakers. This is a very expensive city and country. Their airport Changi is the best international airport in the world. It has a swimming pool, massive shopping and if you have a lengthy connection, they ll give you a free tour of Singapore on the house! Bali is an incredible place with a completely different culture. For instance, if you pass by a local village priest sports car rental in las vegas and he s 5 2 the protocol is for you to stoop down and pass by him at a height shorter than he is to show respect. Hong Kong is one of the most crowded places in the world and to us, by far, the rudest city we ve ever visited. Many people there are very high strung and hostile. But it is fascinating with incredible vistas, restaurants, and culture.
Round the World fares are much cheaper sports car rental in las vegas than most people realize. For instance, when we took the trip you could go around the world first class for less than the price of a business class ticket between Detroit and London. I often tell people that if Australia is their destination and if they have the time, it s cheaper to do an around the world fare rather than flying to L.A. and then hopping on a jet for Australia. It s cheaper and it affords you a much neater trip. When we did our RTW trip the rules were that we had to keep going in the same direction and if we changed the itinerary on the fly it only cost $25 per change.

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