I know that many who read this blog have dreams low price reno airline tickets that presently or in the future will involve travel. This year I have had the honor to speak in eight different states and Sydney, Australia. Since June of this year I have racked up 47,368 frequent flyers miles, I ve been doing a little bit of travel
There were things that I wished I knew when I first starting travelling that could have saved me a lot of headaches, low price reno airline tickets so I want to help you avoid what I went through. At this point I only have three trips left: Oahu in Hawaii, Manila in the Philippines, low price reno airline tickets and Nairobi in Kenya (where my family is from, I ll be there for two weeks
When I first started out I used to book all my trips with Hotwire.com, it was a lot cheaper that way. I emailed Chris Guillebeau asking him for travel tips and the first thing he said was don t use these services, but I didn t understand what he meant. He said to book through the airlines and hotel s directly, when I looked into it, the prices were too high and it wasn t easy to do. It really didn t become clear to me until my trip to Australia, I booked through Expedia.com because I got Expedia points as well as the miles. On the way home the flight was overbooked and when I went to check in, the website low price reno airline tickets said I had to do it at the ticket counter, low price reno airline tickets what? When I got to the airport, the agents told me that since I bought a discounted ticket, low price reno airline tickets I was put on a stand by list, what??? I told them I bought the travel insurance and they told me I had to call Expedia. I called Expedia and they told me the travel insurance only covered cancellations and that they couldn t do anything about me getting a seat on the plane home, I was at the mercy of the airline. I protested telling low price reno airline tickets them I paid for my ticket already but Expedia told me it s in the fine print that they can t guarantee a seat if the flight is overbooked. So now what ? The Lord was good and I did end up getting a seat, the people at Virgin worked low price reno airline tickets things out (they re the best) and I was able to get home and not miss work! The point is when you book through the discount services, that s what you get, discount service. When something goes wrong with the flight and you have to re-book, you could be up a creek. It might not happen every time, but is it really worth the risk? In the last two months I ve been deplaned four times, so it does happen.
Besides that, you build up benefits with booking low price reno airline tickets through the airlines and hotel s directly. I am now a silver member with Delta and Hilton, low price reno airline tickets I get priority low price reno airline tickets boarding and upgrades on seat s and rooms. I m three miles away from gold with Delta which gets me a lot of first class upgrades and if you have been on a plane in the last five years, you know how much room is in the economy seats Another thing is the discount services find the cheapest flights, which might not always be the same airline, you can t build anything that way. If you plan on traveling for your dreams as a speaker, missionary, coach or whatever, then those miles will come in handy later! I know it s tempting and may be cheaper now but think about the future and be intentional with your travel.
Over-head space. low price reno airline tickets The one major problem airlines have is over-head space. Most flights these days are completely booked, I have now been on 48 flights and not one was not at least three-fourths booked. When you board later in the flight, there s a very real risk of your bag not making it in the over-head space. At that point they ll check your bag (for free) but if you have a short layover before you next flight or are in a hurry, you ll be waiting. Plus there s the risk of them losing your bag, which happened to me in Reno, that s the worst! This is where having a status or paying for priority boarding can really low price reno airline tickets help. If you are in no rush, then you should be ok but I had a crazy experience coming back from Australia. I got into Los Angles and had 1 hour and 22 minutes before my flight to Detroit, I had to go through customs and since the International terminal at LAX is separate, I had to go through security again. Praise the Lord I got to the gate for Detroit low price reno airline tickets as they were loading zone 3! I just made it, then that flight ended up being delayed on the tarmac which meant when I got to Detroit, that flight home was already boarding. low price reno airline tickets In the end I made it when they were calling for the final people, but on that flight we were deplaned anyways (tell me about it)! So try to board earlier if you are in are short on time.
Try to sit in the aisle. I used to always pick the window seat for the view, but with the way the plane is designed, there s less room, your head will be cramped if you re taller. You can see just as well from the aisle, you can actually see both sides of the plane. When the plane lands, you ll be able to stand up and get your bag, if you have a short layover, this is absolutely vital! You also get a little extra leg room on the aisle and easy access to get up and use the restroom.
Food and drinks. When they come down the aisles for drink service, instead of getting the one cup, ask for a can. The airline stewards would love to just give you the can instead low price reno airline tickets of having to pour it, it saves them time. Also feel free for ask for another bag of cookies or peanuts. One thing I do now is bring in my own snacks: popcorn, pretzels, granola bars. This will keep you from paying the crazy prices of airport food.
Have a go bag . Have a little bag that goes underneath your seat for your most important items. You never know what s going to happen with your bag and if you have a little go bag with the important things (passport, wallet, travel documents, phone chargers) you re covered no matter low price reno airline tickets what.
Mobile boarding passes. One of the cool things with technology is our phones now have the ability to receive a mobile boarding pass that is scanned at security and to board the flight. It cuts down on all that paper and is quick, when you check in for your flight online, you can choose to have a mobile boarding pass emailed to you or texted to you.
Great article; too bad I didn t know you back when you started as I ve traveled extensively in the past thirty years for work and pleasure. I always book my own flights, especially because I want the aisle seat and want to make sure I get it. I also rent my own cars and do my own hotel bookings, that way I don t have to end up with what happened to you. I hate being at the mercy of someone else. I have to say though low price reno airline tickets that when we went to Hawaii two years ago I used Orbitz for the car and hotel rental, but I went through Hawaiian low price reno airline tickets Airlines myself for the plane tickets.
Hey Kimanzi, this is great info for those of us that will be traveling allot. Because most of our team is within 4hrs we just drive locally. However I will definitely take this info consideration because its really good to know about the airlines. I need to take a trip on Virgin it appears they are really high on customer service.
Actions low price reno airline tickets speak louder than words, which is why my family and I decided to take action! Next year our family is planning on moving to Hawaii (crazy right?) Read all about our adventure at our family low price reno airline tickets blog, it will feel like you're going with us! Click on this link to check it out: excitingfamilyjourney.com
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