I wanted to post a picture of her blowing out the candles on her birthday cake but I figured that she would be angry at me forever. So in the interest of self-preservation, I m going to keep it to myself. Unless discount online airline tickets you ask to see it. Then I ll HAVE to share it.
Anyway, we took Mom to Colorado Springs for her birthday to visit Dad s family. The trip started discount online airline tickets off uneventfully discount online airline tickets with just Mom and I. We got in to Denver, rented a car, and headed south to Colorado Springs.
I was lucky. I got to stay at my cousin s house. discount online airline tickets My mom had to stay at my Aunt s. The difference is that one is a fun house and the other sucks all of the life out of you the second you walk through the front door.
Anyway, we spent the first couple of days hanging out with the family. We went on walks. Visited tourist attractions. Ate. Ate again. Then I headed back to Denver to pick up Keith. And I m sorry that you have had to go two days into our trip before the pictures start kicking in.
Before Keith s flight landed, I got to have a quick visit with my bestest friend, Jen. She lives in Denver and has an adorable discount online airline tickets son Patrick, and the cutest daughter, Samantha. And the babies slept almost the entire time I was there! I love babies! Sleeping babies that is. They woke up refreshed and happy. We played for 1/2 an hour then the babysitter arrived and we were out the door to pick Keith up from the airport.
We went downtown for dinner discount online airline tickets where we (the girls anyway) watched the opening ceremonies. I m sure the guys would have cared more if it was actually a sporting event. But they did enjoy the fried pickles
Then we ran back to the hotel for a couple of hours of sleep before leaving to head back to CO Springs. It was my impression that we were going to be leaving discount online airline tickets to drive up Pike s Peak at 8:00. And I didn t want to be the one that was late.
Turns out, I didn t need to worry about it. I don t think we left until 10:30. My uncle couldn t decide if he was going to join us or not. Since he s on the CO mountain search discount online airline tickets and rescue squad, I guess mountains just aren t that exciting when there is no one to rescue. To our extreme pleasure, he deemed us worthwhile and came. Although it s possible he thought that we were going to need rescuing and he might as well come along.
Then we all piled back in our respective cars to continue up the mountain. discount online airline tickets Just as we are pulling out, my uncle throws his car into reverse and runs over to our car. He must have forgotten something.
Turns out, he sure did. He forgot to point out where two separate drivers committed suicide last year. Apparently they drove off the side of the mountain. Right where we were headed. I m sorry that they made that choice, but did we really need to know that before we drove the twisty, steep, cliff road?
Anyway, we posed for pictures, had a world-famous Pike s Peak fried donut, and enjoyed the balmy 50 degree weather. (When you have been spending the last several days and nights discount online airline tickets suffering through 90 degree heat, you never want to leave the top of the mountain. Or you want to figure out how to transport the cool air down to your bedroom.)
As we headed down the mountain, we could feel the air around discount online airline tickets us getting warmer and warmer. Which is only devestating because most people in Colorado Springs don t have air conditioning. Which is OK. Most of the year they don t need it. But those couple of weeks a year when they do need it, let me tell you, it s hot! Dry heat or not, it s really warm!
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