Fabulae Pictae, Myths and stories in Renaissance majolica are displayed at the Bargello Museum until September 16th, 2012. An interesting exhibition dedicated to the storied Renaissance los angeles lakers basketball majolica and their dependence on literary sources, historical and figurative. The exhibition aims to enhance the collections of the Bargello together with specimens from other prestigious Italian los angeles lakers basketball and foreign collections. los angeles lakers basketball An idea to spend a day dedicated to art during your next holiday in Florence.
The exhibition is divided into the various halls of the Bargello with an itinerary divided into two main sections: the first, is devoted to a selection of themes from classical mythology, and the other with episodes from ancient history. The collection in the National Bargello Museum includes important examples of Cafaggiolo and Deruta but also from Faenza, the Duchy of Urbino, Montelupo and Canto del Giglio. Among the pieces from abroad, there are also some examples from the Louvre in Paris, the Victoria Albert los angeles lakers basketball Museum in London and the Metropolitan in New York.
Even the Hotel Brunelleschi has within it an interesting museum with a Renaissance collection of dishes from Montelupo in compendario style, pottery, Roman fragments, examples of medieval epoch and a steam bath of the Roman baths, a hammam used in antiquity for sauna. Moreover, the Tower of Pagliazza, which is the facade of the hotel and its symbol, is the oldest building still standing in Florence. los angeles lakers basketball The 4-star hotel was completely renovated and offers stunning rooms and suites overlooking the Cathedral los angeles lakers basketball and the main monuments of the city.
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