Sunday, August 26, 2012

The results of well drilling to dispose of polluted municipal waste is appalling. Who are the well d

Revealing analysis of national trends and local news you won't find in Miami's travel clubs 50 discount lodging mainstream media. Dedicated to ethical government, saving tax dollars and a healthy environment. We aim to break the chokehold travel clubs 50 discount lodging of Miami's developers travel clubs 50 discount lodging and lobbyists on local government and the public commons. We offer our forum to that end.
The Religious Right blamed Hurricane Katrina on the sinners, unleashing God's devastation on New Orleans. This summer, forest fires scorched Colorado Springs, the home of Focus on the Family and Reverend James Dobson, who shook his rhetorical fist at the wayward when Katrina struck. Now we have a second sign. Isaac was the second son of Abraham.
Isaac was a male. He was an important male, a son of Abraham. In the Bible, Isaac was the child of Abraham with his wife, Sarah. The literal translation means "he will laugh". How does this the meaning apply, we consider on Sunday, our day for reflection and worship.
Isaac was conceived when his mother was beyond child bearing years. A miracle. Father and mother both laughed at the improbable miracle. Who is God laughing at, now? Obama? This is a matter for some reflection.
Earlier in his life, Isaac had been on the point of sacrifice by his father, Abraham, when the Lord commanded that he be saved and sacrifice a ram, instead. Does God mean to be angry that the Religious Right is taking His words in vain? Are Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan the wrong candidates for the nation's highest office, we may ask this Sunday.
The opening day was to be called "We Can Do Better", featuring speakers who would focus on President Obama's failures. Mike Huckabee and Gov. Rick Scott were scheduled to speak. And Jeb! Bush. Only God can do better.
A well digger. We all need wells for our water. Florida is place where radicals commandeered environmental agencies, throttling regulations, using lawyerly language to destroy the legal meaning of pollution, allowing tens of thousands of wells to be dug, destroying Florida's water supply and aquifers. Would God be laughing at this? The profession of Isaac.
The results of well drilling to dispose of polluted municipal waste is appalling. Who are the well diggers in Florida? Radical extremists in the GOP have used the practice travel clubs 50 discount lodging to foster cheap growth and impose tremendous costs on ordinary taxpayers. Yet the GOP represents itself as the party of fiscal responsibility. Of moral superiority.
Pray on this: we know that the Devil is in the details, but we don't know these details because our elected leaders have not been truthful. travel clubs 50 discount lodging We don't know the details, but we know Isaac. We know God's laughter accompanied his birth. We know Hurricane Isaac is bearing down His wrath on Tampa.
To interpret God's meaning, go to the work. Always go to the work. Isaac was a digger of wells to provide God's gift to man: clean, fresh water to nourish all life. Isn't that what Isaac is bringing to Florida in anger and laughter. Sheets of rain. Who laughs when He is angry? A God who has been rejected and replaced with false idols. Who would destroy God's gifts earns His wrath.
travel clubs 50 discount lodging Stop attempting to make something sinister about Hurricane travel clubs 50 discount lodging Issac/Republican Convention. This is nothing more than Mother Nature doing her thing. That the Republicn convention got mixed into it with speculation by Democrats hither and tither is not surprising. Give it a rest. What are the Democrats going to do when the Republicans win and the they lose? You don t think so? Ask your self this: Who in their right mind would vote for 4 more years of Obama and the misery he has brought us?
Jonathon Dunlop of Australia about the Miami Airport: "This is the most disorganized shambles of an airport that exists travel clubs 50 discount lodging on this earth.'' April 01, 2007 Eye on Miami Comment on Post __________________________________ On "Colony Collapse Disorder": Anonymous said... I say lets wait till the last tree is going to be cut down, the last bit of oil used, the last lowland coastal areas flooded before we make any rash decisions that might effect the economy. April 21, 2007 Eye on Miami Comment _________________________________ On Bee Colony Collapse Disorder being blamed on cell phones: Anonymous said... Hmmm. What are bees doing with cell phones, anyhow? April 20, 2007 Eye on Miami Comment _________________________________ On South Florida Water Supply: Ron Littlepage said... Unfortunately, we know who would win when it comes to allowing development to run amok and it's not the wildlife. April 20, 2007 Eye on Miami Comment Post _________________________________ Lesley travel clubs 50 discount lodging Blackner said: In Florida, the sad reality is that government travel clubs 50 discount lodging exists to serve the development machine, not the citizenry. That's why it's proper to say that in Florida we have government of the developer, by the developer and for the developer. April 22, 2007 Eye on Miami Post _________________________________ On City of Miami and Miami Dade County giving $1,000,000 each to Jorge Perez s Related Group (The Group's 2005 revenues were $3.25 billion.): "It makes as much sense as me donating half my paycheck to Warren Buffett. May 6, 2007 Miami Herald Columnist Ana Menendez _________________________________ On the FCAT Test: "'Florida is a serial mis-user of test scores.'' Bob Schaeffer, director for Massachusetts-based travel clubs 50 discount lodging FairTest. May 25, 2007 Miami Herald _________________________________ Clifford Schulman (Greenberg Traurig Lobbyist): "This is the first time in 33 years that any one has accused me of fraud." June 28, 2007 Miami Herald I say: hmm. __________________________________ Max Rameau, Homeless Activist: "I respect Ron Book for his work with the Homeless Trust, but the Liberty City community and others have given broad support to this idea. I don't know that a big-time millionaire lobbyist can tell us what is best for Liberty City and the black community.'' July 28, 2007 Miami Herald __________________________________ "After years of mismanagement under a board of political appointees and neighborhood activists, Miami-Dade County administrators have proposed a new way to run the troubled empowerment zone program. The plan: Bring in new political appointees and neighborhood activists." November 6, 2007 Miami Herald: Reporter Scott Hiaasen ______________________________________ "Saying "Greater Everglades" and "Northern Everglades" is not saying Everglades -- other places travel clubs 50 discount lodging are deserving of being protected too, but there is only one Everglades. The main thing is to keep the 'Main Thing' the main thing -- which, lately, has not been the main thing." Bob Mooney - on Listserve "Everglades Commons" ________________________________________ "Does anyone in their right mind believe that Florida could conduct postal balloting without a major screw-up or scandal? Heavens, no! The whole country is keenly aware that our state is a sump hole of incompetence and corruption." Carl Hiaasen - March 16, 2008 Miami Herald _______________________________________ On the Charter Review: "Commissioners travel clubs 50 discount lodging want us to vote on their own pet changes, ideas the review travel clubs 50 discount lodging team explicitly rejected. And, they're travel clubs 50 discount lodging throwing travel clubs 50 discount lodging their blatantly self-serving ballot questions at us at the same time. What a slap in the face to the charter review team and to all of us!" Michael Lewis of Miami Today - April 10, 2008 ______________________________________ On the Miami Dade County Commission: ''Unfortunately, this is a commission that would build a cyanide factory next to a playground if you hired the right 12 lobbyists,'' Miami Lakes Councilman Michael Pizzi - May 14, 2008 ______________________________________ travel clubs 50 discount lodging "The days where we re just building sprawl forever, those days are over. I think that Republicans, travel clubs 50 discount lodging Democrats, everybody recognizes that that s not a smart way to build communities." President Barack Obama in Fort Meyers - February 10, 2009 ______________________________________ "So." Dick Cheney's response when told that two thirds travel clubs 50 discount lodging of Americans did not support the war in Iraq. - Time Magazine 2008 ______________________________________ "It seems like a bad idea can always find a home in the Florida travel clubs 50 discount lodging Legislature." - Howard Simon - Executive Director of Florida ACLU - March 24, 2010 ______________________________________ Complete this sentence: South Florida really needs a..." Regional plan for controlled growth (before it becomes a concrete jungle similar to Houston), and a completely new set of elected officials that make decisions based on what's good for the future of South Florida instead of what's good for their wallets. - Jack McCabe, Real Estate expert who predicted the housing boom's end. - August 29, 2011 Miami Herald

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