Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thanks to the continued promotion of mercury fillings by the American Dental Association and convent

American consumers are frequently warned about the mercury content of seafood. Even the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) now warns pregnant women not to eat seafood due to its mercury content. american airlines arena in dallas texas But have you ever wondered about the health effects of mercury put into the mouths of children and adults in the form of mercury fillings? Dentists call them "silver fillings" to conceal the fact that they are made of about 50% mercury. Yes, you read correctly: your silver fillings are 50% mercury.
Thanks to the continued promotion of mercury fillings by the American Dental Association american airlines arena in dallas texas and conventional dentists, consumers continue to be poisoned by this heavy metal that is intentionally placed into their mouths. So much mercury is put into the mouths of humans that the total volume of mercury dumped into the environment from mercury fillings is nearly equal to that emitted by coal plants.
In fact, the mouth of the average consumer is so toxic that ocean creatures should be warning each other about eating american airlines arena in dallas texas humans. To consume a human being, to put it bluntly, would be extremely unhealthy for any animal. Humans carry the highest concentration of toxic chemicals of any creatures on the planet. Their livers, hearts, kidneys and brains are so heavily contaminated with hundreds of different synthetic chemicals that if humans were slaughtered as a meat source, they would never pass USDA food safety standards!
Have you ever wondered what ocean creatures might say to humans if they could speak English? Maybe something like, "Hey, stop flushingall your crap into our homes!" And they would be right to complain about it, too.
To put this into perspective, imagine all the dolphins, whales, lobsters, stingrays, swordfish and octopuses in the ocean suddenly marching up the beaches, sloshing their way into your home and taking a crap in your living room. We do far worse to them, however, because we do not just dispose of organic matter, we actually lace it with fragrance chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, medications, heavy metals, industrial waste and even radioactive substances. Cruise ships and navy vessels routinely flush raw sewage overboard, right into the ocean, even though doing so is a violation of international law. Out in the middle of the South Pacific, who's watching anyway? There are some parts of the ocean where currents concentrate floating human garbage: soda bottles, yogurt cups, milk jugs, styrofoam packaging and the like. The stuff is so thick that you can actually american airlines arena in dallas texas walk across this "island of garbage" on foot, unaided, without sinking. It is as if humans american airlines arena in dallas texas are creating another land mass made out of landfill. Soon, somebody will probably build condos there and sell them online as "ocean front property"!
If there is any group of species on this planet that should be warned about another species, it is the ocean creatures who should be warned about humans. In fact, there should be a large red warning side slapped on the side of the planet, clearly visible to all creatures and interstellar visitors, that reads:

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