Monday, July 9, 2012

Just got back from fjord cruise on Queen Elizabeth. The captain informed us that large ships would n

Has anyone else heard that large cruise ships will not be allowed to go through the Norwegian Fjords. The reason is that they want to preserve and protect the environment. cruise around the world Ships this year have been requested to go slower (which has meant many itin changes). By 2014 only expedition type of vessels will only be permitted.
A new bridge being constructed across Norway's second-longest fjord will restrict cruise ship access to some of the country's more remote and picturesque ports of call.While smaller vessels will still be able to travel the 179 km (110 miles) length cruise around the world of Hardangerfjord, towns like Eiderford will become off-limits to some of the bigger ships which have been venturing into the fjords in recent years.
Costa Fortuna, for example, has cancelled calls from 2013; at its highest point the ship is 62 metres above the waterline, while the new Hardangerfjord bridge will have an average clearance of only 55 metres
Alaska is a very environmentally fragile cruise around the world area but still has very big ships visit it. However there are restrictions on pollution, but newer bigger ships are actually cleaner than older/smaller ones. There are also speed limits. In addition the ships can plug into the Alaskan cruise around the world 'national grid' for electricity, when in port, and turn of their generators cruise around the world reducing pollution. Oh, and ships pay some sort of environmental cruise around the world tax, per passenger, to the Alaskan authorities.
Just got back from fjord cruise on Queen Elizabeth. The captain informed us that large ships would not be allowed to visit Spitzbergen cruise around the world in the future cruise around the world but didn't mention restrictions to any of the fjords we visited. We assumed it was to do with the scientific research taking place in Spitzbergen and possibly passenger not abiding by the rules when visiting. cruise around the world Despite being told several times before we left the ship not to leave the designated path we saw several passengers walking on the restricted area. They were quickly told to return to the path but it really is unbelievable the way some people flaunt the rules.
We have just returned from visiting Ulvik and Osa down Hardangerfjord . We passed under the bridge which still awaits its deck although they do have the peirs joined across at the top . We were on Ryndam , not the biggest of ships did not look as though it would pass under the bridge on completion ....but it did pass unde rthe one on Lysefjord so who can say .
We did though sail much slower than in the past ...but that may have been becasue the anchor was accidentlly deployed just after passing under the bridge construction . the anchor did not reach bottom and the capstan motor was not powerful enough to haul it up with all the weight of the anchor and chain on . So the captain had to put the ship front on to the fjord wall to find some shallower water and ground the anchor . The vibrations caused by the anchor grounding cruise around the world had to be seen to be believed !

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