Sunday, July 8, 2012

Have you ever noticed bottles and other glass containers on the shore at low tide? Have you ever won

Have you ever noticed bottles and other glass containers on the shore at low tide? Have you ever wondered what would happen to them if they are not picked up before the tide scours the shore? Well, wonder no more! The glass will most likely be transported out into the ocean by the tide.
Through cumbria cruise club the magic of Mother Nature at work, the glass will break, cumbria cruise club and the shards will float aimlessly about and go through nature s tumbler of sand and sea water. The natural polishing action provided by the water and sand will smooth the sharp edges. The glass becomes cumbria cruise club a polished work of art before returning cumbria cruise club to the shore during the tide change. The final result is known as sea glass.
At one time, trash was not deposited into approved dumps or landfills but buried in pits, and some of those pits were dug along the shore. Campfires on the beach were often the receptacle of the left over bottles and other glass containers. Over time, the effects of tidal action uncovered the trash pits and carried it out into the ocean.
Glass bottles and containers are sometimes tossed into the ocean from cruise ships or lost from container cumbria cruise club ships and held prisoner by the furry of the sea while Mother Nature works her magic. With today s new and improved environmental laws, and the conscientiousness of people, glass is not being dumped in the quantities it once was, so sea glass is becoming a little harder, but not impossible, to find. The smoothest cumbria cruise club sea glass comes from areas of heavy surf currents. Rougher beach glass comes from areas of less turbulent water activity such as inland bays and rivers subject to tidal action.
cumbria cruise club Sea glass is recycled by the tide and deposited on the beach. Just about every beach will yield some sea glass, and finding it is as easy as walking on the beach. cumbria cruise club Small bits of sea glass can become lost in the midst of stones and shells, cumbria cruise club but a carefully looking eye can discern the bits of glass from the other beach treasures. The best time to look for glass is at low tide when the beach is exposed.
There are different types of sea glass. Rounds or squares are the bottom of bottles; patterned glass that was imprinted with a design or logo and not completely polished away by the ocean and campfire glass that has been melted by fire and smoothed by the sea.
Sea glass comes in many colors; the most common colors cumbria cruise club of beach glass are white, brown and green. These colors cumbria cruise club come from beer bottles which are mostly brown, soda and water bottles which are mostly white and wine and imported beer bottles which are mostly green. Other colors of sea glass, such as red, aqua, sea foam green, peach and lavender, are usually from commercial uses such as cosmetics, over-the-counter medicines and the like, but are rare as those colors are seldom used in production anymore.
cumbria cruise club Sea glass is used in jewelry, mosaics, aquariums, and candlescapes and just about anything else the mind can conjure up. The number of uses is limited only by the imagination. If you have a penchant for the ocean and love to find cool and unique glass bits and pieces, cumbria cruise club take a walk along the beach and take a look. You may be surprised by what you find.

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