If you were too lazy to read the blog, or just want to see the essentials the mount washington hotel of our trip, this, our last post, is for you. Thanks for going on our World Tour with us. (PS, Please forgive the funky formatting. I ve tried to fix the HTML but it refuses to be reasonable.)
The Seat Heater Game: The Outback is outfitted with seat warmers powered by switches between the seats. The object the mount washington hotel of this game is to surreptitiously flick the opponent's switch to 'on'. At this point, the flicker waits until the flickee notices her toosh begin to bake. In defeat, the flickee gives the flicker a dirty look and turns the switch to 'off', and the flicker bursts into maniacal giggles.
Books on Tape: We've attempted 3 – Stephen Hawking's The Universe in a Nutshell , which is really interesting, but D requires accompanying pictures to understand quantum physics, the mount washington hotel so we gave that one up; Compendium of Studs Terkel interviews with famous people over the decades – we both decided we like Terry Gross a lot better; Einstein's biography – we both like and are still working our way through this one – he just discovered relativity.
Recording sessions: Using D's iPod mic, we recorded each other singing the greatest hits of the '70's, '80's, and '90's. SV's rendition of Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" is really something. Both harmonized the mount washington hotel duets and solos are included in this collection. Order now.
State Line Diving competition: Competitors in this game attempt to lean forward further in the vehicle than their opponent, usually in a diving position, when approaching state lines, so that they might triumphantly enter the state first
Suspiciously attractive staff of the Roxborough Memorial the mount washington hotel Hospital emergency room, and the suspiciously unattractive security guard; No Exit crowd populating emergency waiting room; invisible dog show-ers
Hip bruise: SV acquired a colorful and impressively large hip bruise in her parents' kitchen when she climbed atop the counter, trying to reach her favorite coffee mug, and slipped, catching her hip on an open cabinet door.
Nail in foot, resulting in even more painful tetanus inoculation: D stepped on a rusty nail upon arrival to Andy and Grisel's the mount washington hotel apartment in Philadelphia. Then, having not heeded her mother's previous advice re: getting a tetanus shot, had to go to the emergency room to get said shot, which immobilized her arm for approximately 3 days. Soreness was exacerbated by SV's sudden, "uncontrollable" desire to frog D in said arm.
Chiggers: D acquired exactly 9 of these flesh-nibbling insects, probably somewhere in Tennessee. Mysteriously, they each showed up on their own respective days. Also mysteriously, SV, who has been to exactly the same places as D, acquired none.
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