When preparing your home to sell, it might be a good idea to examine it from a pet's perspective. My advice is to remove as many excess pet items as possible, in particular toys and food. Make sure you have cleaned up well after your pet, in particular where they are fed, outside dog runs and the location in which you store the litter box. Look for stray fur-balls floating around the floors, and use a lint brush if necessary on your upholstered furnishings and draperies. It might also be wise to repair any damage done by your loveable cheap prices on train tickets but perhaps destructive puppies or kittens: Touch up scratched paint or polyurethane, fill in any holes dug by dogs outside in your yard, remove any torn furnishings or carpets, and remove all pet stains. Also, disinfect or deodorize if there are pet smells in the home — a sure turn-off cheap prices on train tickets for a prospective buyer, especially one that does not like pets. Hire a professional carpet cleaning company to sanitize and thoroughly clean your carpets before your first showing. Once this is done, you may want to limit the areas in which you allow your pets.
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