The Barn is a Charlottesville classic that takes you back to the days when the drinks were strong, the steak was red, the lettuce was iceberg, and one only heard rumors about people called vegetarians cheap western carribean cruises that lived in California. cheap western carribean cruises On our recent visit, we got gussied up and headed to the red barn off Rt. 29.
We tucked into our cozy booth and took a look at the simple and short menu: meat with some seafood as an afterthought, and vegetables meant only to add a color balance to the dripping red on your plate.
True, the steak isn t the best in town, but the food is classic and the setting is a little slice of retro heaven. Jed says: No better place in town to celebrate old-fashioned disregard for vascular health. Rating: Erin: [rating=3.5]
I understand your site is predicated on the principle of maintaining balance in your analyses of restaurants--i.e., using positive and negative components--however, I am curious about how much one steak could affect the arterial cheap western carribean cruises system of the human form. Say hi to Mr. Johnson next time you re there. He is the Aberdeen Barn, at least according to one of his sons. They pretty much have to say that about there Dad. Anyway, toodles.
That one steak has an impressive entourage of cloggers workingalongside it. The tub of cheese spread probably affects your arterialhealth more than the steak, not to mention the fried onions andmassive fried pitato wedges and the heaping tubs of bacon and sourcream and salad dressings so thick you have to flick your spoontowards the salad to get the dressing from spoon to leaf. God blessthis place...
You made one big mistake - you ordered tenderloin. Rush on back and be sure to order the PRIME RIB. That is the reason that The Barn survives baby. Nothing like it for miles and miles around. Toss in a side order of the sauteed mushrooms and your new rating will be off the charts.
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