But then I thought that well maybe it s not all that crazy when you consider how much it costs these days just to put on a kids birthday party! And I am guilty of shelling out cash for that indulgence.
However, now I am 25 years past my prom years and still another seven years before my girls prom years so I feel I could be an expert vancouver sports car rentals on this subject by saying doesn t $1000 on prom just seem a little crazy?
Basically it has just sent me into a tizzy because just today I made Eloise s first orthodontist appointment and the other two girls will be following her shortly so I m already trying to figure out how we will be paying for that hardware and how I ll explain that we will NEVER go to Disney because of braces for the next 10 years. Now I also have to explain that they can t go to college because they need a $600 dress to attend prom.
Now back in my day I don t remember caring all that much about the dress basically because our plan was never to be at the actual prom very long. It was all about the party after the prom. We just went to the prom for 15 minutes to get our pictures taken. Also, if you see my mother please tell her that I was at the prom the WHOLE TIME and danced ALL NIGHT. It was radical. Oh, and I did all of this in a borrowed dress.
1. Borrow a dress. Back in the olden days we all bought new dresses(all much under $100) for our first formals and then we swapped them out at the next dance. Or visit a resale or thrift shop and find something vintage and very cool. Or hey, make one that you designed yourself!
2. Do your own nails, hair and make-up. I know this is very old-fashioned and makes me look really vancouver sports car rentals old. But really. Your date is not looking at your hair or nails. Trust me. Or have a girl party before the prom and all help each other.
4. Dinner you don t need to go to the nicest place around. Seriously prom is not about the meal, it s about getting lucky after the dance. Or have a few parents get together and host a fancy dinner party at someone s home for everyone. How cool to have your parents wait on you!
It s ridiculous. I borrowed a dress from my sister and only had my hair done (though considering all she did was french braid it, my mom could have done that herself). I think a good way is to get a group of girls together and get ready at someone s house and help each other do make-up and hair. It s fun and cheap My date also drove and we only went to a semi-nice restaurant with some other couples. I guess since we went as friends maybe that makes a difference on how much you spend.
So it was off to the fabric store. Especially nice since all the dresses look slightly hooker-ish. When I went to the prom girls still wore sweet and lacy Gunne Sax. India will have to make due with homemade.
I have watched my niece spend a fortune just on Christmas formal-tanning, updos, yikes! There is no way I would spend that much on a daughter, I would rather the money go to a family vacation. Besides, doesn t spending that much money make the event seem far more important than it actually is? yeesh. I agree with Alison, teach those girls to sew!
My dress was made by a lady down the street. We went shopping at a fancy store and copied what we found. On the cheap. I had a great time. And my date certainly never noticed I painted vancouver sports car rentals my own finger nails. ; )
I attended two proms in high school and wore two very cute, very new dresses that did not cost anywhere near $600. (OK, so maybe the first dress which, incidentally, vancouver sports car rentals can be seen in my FB photos was very cute at the time, but is now just fun to laugh at). I also got my hair and nails done because c mon, that s just fun.
I tend to agree with you on the car and dinner, though. I think for my senior prom, a bunch of us pitched in for a limo so it wasn t that much. But for my junior prom, my boyfriend drove the BMW that his mommy and daddy bought him. So, there s that.
I went to three proms, and our homecoming springfest dances were casual so prom was our BIG thing my first prom (my sophomore year) my mom actually paid for my dress ($110 at Gantos) my shoes (inexpensive strappy gold sandals from some catalog) my jewelry ($30-$50?? at Service Merchandise? Sears? JCPenney?) and my hair ($20ish?) the rest was taken care of by my date (dinner, flowers, prom post-prom tickets) my junior vancouver sports car rentals year my dress was ordered from the Fredericks of Hollywood catalog, it came in a bag, was stretchy material, and I think cost around vancouver sports car rentals $30 got new shoes (on the cheap, sprayed them with silver glitter to match my black silver dress) got my hair done rest was taken care of by Hubs er, back than my boyfriend senior year, dress was $25 at a garage sale, new shoes weren t very costly but WERE glittery purple, my cousin did my hair jewelry was previously worn yada yada yada never took a limo, always stayed through the entire prom before going to post-prom before going home (super strict parents!) and only once stopped vancouver sports car rentals for breakfast at Denny s on the way home
all of that rambling, just to say the people spending hundreds to a thousand on prom?? are NUTS. and must have too much money on their hands. for all other special occasions (including me being on the homecoming court twice, I borrowed dresses, shoes jewelry from cousins friends) I m SO with you!
The parents who actually indulge this nonsense grate on my nerves. We have an annual Running of the Brides at Filene s Basement where future brides run through the store grabbing vancouver sports car rentals all they can handle/carry to try on and buy at discounted prices. I m thinking the wedding is slightly more important than prom, so if someone goes to those lengths for that $1000 on prom is just I don t get it.
My dress was handmade. I think my mother paid the woman $100. I had a part time job so I paid for my own hair to be done and my mother paid for my nails to be done (at someone s home in her basement as opposed to a salon). I think it s in how you re raised, the culture of what prom means to your particular society, and what you consider important. Looking nice and having a good time at a dance you only stay 15 minutes at (not me, Mom; I STAYED ALL NIGHT!) are a far cry from not paying the car note just to buy your girl a dress.
We met in 8th grade and her mom came and picked me up to go to the mall. I got in her car and said whoa it sure smells like fish in here did y all just go shopping? and her mother said this BMW is new sweetie vancouver sports car rentals I think that is just the leather seats you smell.
When my son went to his prom, the tux cost $295. I promised my mom he would have tails and he did. Serioiusly though, I didn t get any pictures and the pictures which are available, vancouver sports car rentals my sister won t share (That s real stinky a rival thing going on there-too long a story to share here). And if it wasn t for a friend, he would not have ridden in a stretch limo. I paid nothing the girl s father foot the whole bill (Thank God).
The day after the prom (Sat) my house was the place to be. We, threw a Pool Party /BBQ Extravaganza for my future graduate. We have an in-ground pool, so I was gearing up for that fiesta 3 months in advance because I wanted the water right, the yard right, the food right, The Party Perfect. I Was buying the goodies a couple of months ahead that little shindig cost well over $600 (not including the after party, party pizza 10 pies mind you for his elite crew That was Sun. and what didn t get consumed at the first party on Sat. moved over to Sun.) because, again, I had promised my mom before she passed away, that I would throw him the biggest, bestest pool party imaginable and really it could have been worse if it wasn t for Sam s Club and shopping smart. We provided the eats the drinks (all soft) and the venue which was home. His graduation party was a little vancouver sports car rentals more low key but a backyard BBQ/Pool party just the same. (Thank God there were bigger bashes he wanted to go to. Gut then, if he asked I would have rrepeated the after prom party for him)
I remember my own graduation party which coincided with my sister s sweet 16 party (I graduated on her birthday that year) and My mom spent a fortune vancouver sports car rentals in these days standards because there were 5 full sheet cakes, a champagne fountaing a hired DJ and food for days Gosh Itell you, you can spend up some money on behalf of your children and your love for them.
I went to my junior prom, but skipped the senior one. I was planning a wedding and didn t see the sense in wasting any money on a prom dress for a dance I didn t even want to go to. I ve never regretted it.
I think we even missed the pictures for winter dance/ senior year After Party at Silvertree John B Todd P OMG my daughter is never leaving the house As for the meal I recall Foxfires being very spiffy and all I could hear was MYSELF crunching CROUTONS vancouver sports car rentals LOL
Eek. I did all of your suggestion way back in my day except for borrowing a dress. But I did buy a timeless dress that I still own and would gladly wear out should I ever need to wear something sparkly.
Since I ve already had two kids graduate, I can tell you how those of us in the real world do prom. Less than $100 on a dress (or wear your Choir tuxedo and rent a vest and tie for $40), have your friend do your hair, drive your family suburban vancouver sports car rentals so all the friends can party together, and I ve hosted at least four different formal dinners for kids. It s fun. I even created an Amazing Race game one year for a day date before prom. How much did it cost the guys? I think $20 apiece. And it was way funner than a limo.
I can t even think that far in advance. We are in first round of braces and expander for my son and my daughter is getting ready for her Bat Mitzvah that is costing as much as a small car! By prom I will be living under a bridge!
When I was in High School we had the winter dance and prom. I bought two dresses myself, which I wore one or the other dress to ALL events. Instead of buying new dresses I went to the dances with different guys:) No one said to me isn t that the SAME dress you wore to
Except my