Friday, July 20, 2012

Recent Comments: Rebecca on Lonesome George, I Will Miss You Phillip on Smartphone Apps Pinpoint Wil

I remember vividly my son's reply to a question I posed after a family vacation in central Florida when he was seven. We'd made the requisite visit to Disney airline cheap discount tickets World, then spent an afternoon canoeing airline cheap discount tickets through the subtropical greenery of Wekiwa Springs State Park just north of Orlando, where a $15 boat rental got us close to egrets, herons and even alligators on a 2-hour paddle along the lazy Wekiva River.
Rodale News reported  on a survey recently conducted by The Nature Conservancy that utilized two polling firms – one Democrat and one Republican – to assess registered voters' views on conservation and natural resource protection.
That finding is in keeping with the widespread unity on the subject of environmental protection that the survey found – 4 out of 5 Americans regardless of party affiliation feel it is their duty to care for the environment. Voters even concurred on the importance of paying more to preserve natural resources, airline cheap discount tickets with 83 percent indicating they were willing to pay higher taxes to protect land, water, airline cheap discount tickets and wildlife habitats where they live.
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Good Nature is the official nature and adventure travel blog of Natural Habitat airline cheap discount tickets Adventures . We feature reports from the field, airline cheap discount tickets news from the natural world and thoughts airline cheap discount tickets from our accomplished authors and staff.
Recent Comments: Rebecca on Lonesome George, I Will Miss You Phillip on Smartphone Apps Pinpoint Wildlife Sightings in Yellowstone, But Is That a Good Idea? Sarah T. on Lonesome George, I Will Miss You

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