Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pricing for this park is $49 USD for adults and $43 for children. When you think of all of the tours

We have been to Wet n Wild a few times. Kids love this park mine never get tired of it. However it is not entirely for the younger kids there are some activities that are geared towards the older kids and adults like volleyball, rental car tallahassee relay on the waves and balloon fights. They do have an entertainment rental car tallahassee team that is handing out deals for the discos or certain restaurants in the hotel zone.
It is a great place to spend the day food and drinks included! Quite a few areas to get a bite to eat or frozen treat. There is the norm, hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, a simple rental car tallahassee veggie plate, paella, pizza (even a make your own pizza place), perhaps a Mexican dish or two etc  You can rent a towel, a locker and even an inner tube if you like.  We always bring our own towel, get a locker rental car tallahassee and skip the inner tube. What is terribly expensive are the photos that they take and offer you at the end before you leave the park. You are better off to buy a waterproof rental car tallahassee camera rental car tallahassee and take your own photos.
Twister slide. You take a figure 8 shaped inner tube up about 5-6 long flights of stairs rental car tallahassee over looking the ocean. You and a partner sit inside the tube and down you go. Pretty mild ride that ends up in a shallow pool where someone is there to help you out.
Double Space Bowl begins a mild slide where you do a couple of turns and then come out into a giant open to above bowl, where you swish and swish around rental car tallahassee until you end up at the open hole at the bottom and then drop 3 feet into a deep tank and swim over to the edge.
Bubba Tub. I LOVED the bubba tub. You walk up a whole bunch of stairs, great lookout for the entire park and wait your turn for either a 2-3 person giant round dingy or a 4 person dingy. Everyone climbs in and hangs on. They spin you at the top and down you go, 3 tiers of humps till you reach the bottom. Your stomach drops but it is not terrifying. I did that one a few times over.
Last but not least is the Lazy River. Has to be one of the favorites for adults rental car tallahassee and kids alike. A river that is about 3 feet deep and goes around in a fairly large bean shape. There are some jets of water in 3-4 places in the river to give you that extra push. And once you have had enough of going around and around you can climb out at one of 3 places and get yourself a bevy and relax on a sun lounger before diving back in.
Pricing for this park is $49 USD for adults and $43 for children. When you think of all of the tours that you can take, most of them run around $100 USD or more. This to me is a fairly rental car tallahassee reasonable price. Good bang for your buck. You get to spend all day in the park (9am-5pm), eat and drink all day long. Relax in the sun or enjoy the water park. I believe that adults and children alike would agree that this is a day well spent at Wet n Wild.
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