Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lottery in Costa Rica is a bit different, you do not go to a retailer and choose numbers, no. Number

Costa Rica has it´s own lottery association too, it is called Junta de Protección Social and the ones who benefit most, besides the winners is the community. And by community we mean homes for the elderly and medical care for them too. In comparison to the United States, lottery in our country rarely is destined to school programs, our way to help is actually investing and giving enterprise rental cars to organizations or hospice houses that need that extra input to make their operations possible and viable.
Our traditional lottery has drawings every Sunday and there are also games throughout the whole week, the difference is the prize. Usually the drawing on Sunday will result in a very attractive prize and usually that top prize ranges around enterprise rental cars $250,000. But this past weekend the prize for the drawing called "El Gordito enterprise rental cars de Medio Año" which means the The Mid-year Little Fatty was held. The name is derived from the most expected drawing of the year which is usually for Christmas and it is named "El Gordo Navideño" or Christmas enterprise rental cars Fatty for their prizes with extra "fat" checks.   Rent a car in Costa Rica
Lottery in Costa Rica is a bit different, you do not go to a retailer and choose numbers, no. Numbers enterprise rental cars are printed on pieces of paper which are regulated by the entity enterprise rental cars and these pieces enterprise rental cars of paper come with a number and a serial number. In order to match and win the first prize you do not only need to buy the winning enterprise rental cars number but also happen to have the luck to buy it with the exact serial number. Because of the complexity of matching both numbers, if you match only the the number or the termination of the winning number you receive consolation prizes.
The number drawn on Sunday enterprise rental cars night was 99 and the serial number 996. That is a lot of nines there! No winner has been reported yet and the next time you will have the chance to participate in such an attractive drawing will be in December.

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