Monday, July 2, 2012

Hussain was a second generation British citizen whose parents were of Pakistani origin. He grew up i

According to the Institute for Social and Economic Research, Muslims are most likely to identify with the concept of Britishness - whatever the hell that has now been turned into by the machinations of a PC and diversity obsessed state.
"Our research shows that people we might assume would feel very British in fact do not while others who we might assume would not associate themselves with feelings of Britishness in fact do" said Dr Alita Nandi.
Of course that's the case, the whole concept of Britishness has been utterly destroyed - nobody has any damn clue what it is now, what Britishness is permissable, and what is deemed 'racist', save that it has to include every minority group going.
Who comes bottom of all considerations, are not allowed to have a community or an identity without including minority, days hotel midtown new york are generally told day in and day out how racist and nasty we are, and how we need to better accommodate minority wishes? Us whites.
Our national and racial suicide note will conclude with the words "they're just as British as us" - only we will have ceased to be, the new Britain and Britishness will be all theirs; Britain and its people will be no more.
Standing on a patch of grass 46 miles across the Channel from the White Cliffs days hotel midtown new york of Dover, a man in a designer jacket emblazoned with the words No Fear is making a laughing stock of our Government s promises to stop illegal immigration into Britain.
And then on Tuesday, he promised to smuggle a 29-year-old Turkish girl (along with two Chinese couples) from Dunkirk to Kent if her relatives deposited a large sum of cash with a fixer-colleague at a small supermarket in Wood Green, North London.
He told the girl: Don t be scared. If you have the money, I will get you there. Inshallah (God willing). I can easily arrange it. I send people every night. Those who have paid already go to the front of the queue. I am very successful.
Fahruddin, an Iraqi-Kurd who successfully claimed asylum in Britain in 2007, in his early 20s, is making days hotel midtown new york huge amounts of money as a people-smuggler, operating days hotel midtown new york out of a makeshift camp on the outskirts of Dunkirk.
It looks innocent enough: a group of wooden huts in a clearing, several mobile lavatories provided by the local health authorities and the embers of a fire which is lit at night by migrants to keep warm.
A French police officer patrolling in his car near the camp last week said: There are other unofficial days hotel midtown new york camps up and down this side of the Channel, but this one is the most popular. At least 20 people go to England on lorries every night.
During my investigations I was tipped off about the existence of the camp by a man, whom we will call Mr A, who settled in North London 20 years ago after arriving legally from Turkey using his Cypriot passport.
Twenty-five of his Turkish relatives days hotel midtown new york have followed him to Britain as stowaways on lorries, after paying thousands of pounds to people-smuggling gangs. Mr A volunteered to take me and a photographer days hotel midtown new york to France to show how clandestine migration continues to flourish.
Posing as a caring uncle with his niece, their cover story was that he wanted her to travel illegally days hotel midtown new york to Britain to join relatives. Other migrants waiting to be smuggled to England pointed them to Fahruddin who, breezily, explained days hotel midtown new york how he could organise their journey within days for a large fee.
They call England Hope Land , Fahruddin explained. None of the migrants here whether they come from Iran, or Iraq, from Afghanistan, China or Turkey want to settle in mainland Europe. They only want to go to England.
Once the cash was handed over, Fahruddin would be told via mobile phone and he would then proceed to put Rojda on a lorry. Under this option, the driver would be totally unaware of his illicit human cargo.
Alternatively there is the more expensive Option B which, he said, had a greater guarantee of success. Fahruddin explained that Rojda s family would have to give 6,000 to the same Wood Green supermarket contact.
Both options would mean Rojda would be taken from the camp in a car after midnight by one of Fahruddin s lieutenants to a lorry park near the ferry ports where drivers sleep in their cabs or leave their vehicles unattended while on a meal-break.
Under Option A, a member of the gang would break into the trailer cutting the security days hotel midtown new york wire circling days hotel midtown new york the outside and check the labels on boxes and pallets to ascertain the lorry was heading for England.
Despite talk by politicians of beefed up border checks, X-ray equipment days hotel midtown new york and increased security at ports, it was clear from talking to Fahruddin that these measures are no deterrent to the smugglers and thousands of foreigners are still getting through illegally.
In Dover, the gang s English-based accomplices would be waiting days hotel midtown new york for Rojda and would follow the lorry for miles by car until it stopped and the driver got out. Quickly, they would break in again, retrieve Rojda and drive her to her relatives in London.
The smugglers have devised a simple trick to escape such checks. They wrap migrants in a cold, wet blanket or put ice cubes in their clothes so the warmth days hotel midtown new york of the body is not detected by the equipment.
Although they never took up his offer, our investigation shows how simple it is for thousands of foreigners to slip illegally into the UK every year and how plenty of criminals days hotel midtown new york break the law and get rich by helping them to do so.
I tracked down, for example, the three Turks who paid Fahruddin 9,500 to get to England ten days ago. They had reached his camp after a 2,000-mile journey in a vegetable lorry from Gazientep, a Turkish city near the Syrian border.
The third member of the trio a 24-year-old woman is a friend of the couple. She is now living in a relative s flat in North London with her husband, who was smuggled into Britain on a lorry from Calais several years ago.
The driver was part of the scam. Wearing a black cap, he got out of his cab and pushed the three into the lorry trailer, which was full of textiles destined for a clothes factory in Britain. days hotel midtown new york He then drove to Dunkirk and boarded a 2am ferry for England.
A few hours later, as dawn was breaking, they stepped out onto British soil to start a new life just like the hundreds of thousands before them and, if wealthy criminal gang masters such as Fahruddin get their way, thousands more in the future.
Police are appealing for witnesses in the area at the time, particularly the female driver of a red or maroon estate vehicle which dropped a young black woman at her home in the Chedzoy area of Bridgwater.
Owner Ken Brown was forced into an apology on Thursday after initially refusing to comment on the matter and has since donated 200 donation to Little Scotty's Soldiers, a charity chosen by the family days hotel midtown new york of Cpl Thacker
Hussain was a second generation British citizen whose parents were of Pakistani origin. He grew up in Holbeck, on the outskirts of Leeds, and was the youngest of four children. He was still living with his parents when he died.
Mark Bannister, who served in Northern Ireland and Bosnia during nine years in the army, was forced to hide the truth from doctors to get life-prolonging treatment that was denied to him by a shambolic postcode lottery.
It is nothing short of a disgrace that a former days hotel midtown new york soldier, who fought for this country, was left with no choice but to lie in order to try and preserve his life once he was back in the safety of the UK.
One of the misconceptions about ex-Servicemen appears to be that they all have a pension, and therefore shouldn t need charity. But as Essex Boy points out in his comment, Most of us who have served less than the "full career" of 22 years will not receive any form of pension until we reach 60.
The rules have recently changed, days hotel midtown new york but most homeless ex-Servicemen will not have qualified days hotel midtown new york under the new scheme, which, for information (and straight from the MoD website) is this: After two years of Regular service you'll have earned an Army pension that will be paid when you get to the age of 65. And if you serve for 12 years you'll be entitled to a tax-free resettlement grant on retirement too. Anybody aged over 40 who has served for at least 18 years gets the right to claim an immediate pension and tax-free lump sum on leaving the Army, and a second days hotel midtown new york lump sum when they turn 65.
In 1994, Crisis, the national charity for single homeless people, published a report that suggested that up to 25 per cent of men and women living rough in our major cities are former service personnel .
Crisis have been in this business a long time. The charity days hotel midtown new york was founded in 1967 in response to Ken Loach s remarkable BBC Wednesday Play Cathy Come Home which I well recall days hotel midtown new york seeing at the time of its broadcast, when I was a young ordinand, before leaving days hotel midtown new york the seminary to join the Army.
That figure up to 25 per cent was controversial at the time; institutionally days hotel midtown new york it did not sit comfortably with the MoD s message of commitment to the man in uniform. It took some time to sink in, but ten years ago (while I was still in the Army) my old friend and colleague, and intensely humane soldier, Lieutenant-General Anthony Palmer, became the MoD s deputy director of personnel, and he initiated a number of reforms and initiatives, notably Project days hotel midtown new york Compass.
But a study by York University quoted by a number of commenters suggesting days hotel midtown new york that former service personnel in London's homeless population had dropped from 22% in 1997 to 6% in 2007 always days hotel midtown new york seemed to me improbable.
That said, according to a recent Department of Communities days hotel midtown new york and Local Government (DCLG) report, the number of people officially classed as homeless in England has jumped by 14% the biggest increase for nine years.
The Royal British days hotel midtown new york Legion (RBL), the principal ex-Services charity, believes the figure of homeless ex-Servicemen may be down to approximately 1,100, and that this is due to a combination of reduced output from the Armed Forces, improved Ministry of Defence (MoD) resettlement days hotel midtown new york provision and better intervention from ex-Service charities.
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