Thursday, July 19, 2012

For the health of your pet, most airlines will not let them travel when the temperature is forecast

When we arrived at the airport in Costa Rica, it was a madhouse. People kept coming up to take pictures with my companion. Customs officials rushed us through the line after a cursory check of our documents. Baggage handlers competed to grab our luggage.
It got to be a bit much when a police officer stalked over determinedly as we waited outside for our rental car to be delivered. "All our documents are in order, right?" I thought to myself nervously as he reached us and then stooped down to give the "celebrity" a scratch under the chin… and then asked me to take a picture with his cell phone.
The celebrity in question, if you haven't guessed, is not human. It's my silver-haired standard poodle. And thanks to a trip to the groomer just before we boarded the plane in Miami, Jester was quite a sight when we arrived at our new home in Costa Rica.
Now, if you're considering a move to Costa Rica and have dogs (or even cats), I can't promise they'll get the "star treatment." But I can say that the process of bringing them over will be easy and hassle-free.
But you do have to take care of a few things before you leave. Go to your vet for a clean bill of health within two weeks of your departure date. And make sure they are up to date on their vaccinations for rabies and some other common diseases. You probably already vacation rentals at the outer banks have most if not all these shots.
Your vet should give you a health certificate indicating your pet is healthy and has all their shots. Then you get it endorsed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for a nominal fee. Just send (or bring in person) a copy of the vet's health certificate to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service office in your region.
For the health of your pet, most airlines will not let them travel when the temperature is forecast to be above 85 degrees anywhere on your itinerary. That's usually not a problem at Juan Santamaria International Airport in Costa Rica's Central Valley, where the temperatures usually stay in the 70s during the day.
But keep an eye on the temperatures in your departure city or at any connections. If it's summertime in Miami, for example, you might have to fly out early morning or at night to stay under 85 degrees.
Of course, check with your airline for their specific policies and restrictions before buying your tickets. vacation rentals at the outer banks For their safety, some breeds aren't allowed to fly during summer as checked baggage, including short-nosed varieties like pugs or boxers. And most of the "budget" carriers do not allow pets at all.
Another option is to ship your pet as "cargo." You don't even need to be traveling with them. It's great if you have a pet in the States but can't fly back. You can handle this through individual airlines or through specialized services that charge a premium but handle everything.
Important Notice : The views and opinions shared within this news article are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent those of The Costa Rica Star news network. If you have any feedback or questions pertaining to this article, please use the contact form at the top of the website to get in touch with our editors.
vacation rentals at the outer banks

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