Thursday, July 19, 2012

Being gringos fairly new to this small neighborhood, we had no idea what this meant, but if he thoug

Being gringos fairly new to this small neighborhood, we had no idea what this meant, but if he thought avis car rental discount coupons los angeles it was important enough for us to bring our camera, there was no doubt this was to be an event worth recording for memory, and we were not disappointed.
This is an annual avis car rental discount coupons los angeles family event for the Mora Family and for many families around Costa Rica. It actually began the day before when they harvested their crop of cana or sugar cane, and in this case, processed it all through an old hand-crank press, passed down the family through generations.
Today's all day festivities commenced with gathering the wood for their specially crafted avis car rental discount coupons los angeles outdoor avis car rental discount coupons los angeles rock and concrete fire pit, strategically and beautifully located near a picturesque creek, then lighting a fire under the huge pan that would evolve into a bubbling cauldron of savory sweetness. As the juice from the cana started to boil, Eugenio and Flor worked and lovingly supervised us all taking turns helping. This process involves lifting, straining and stirring the pot, sometimes quite rapidly, with a metal colander-type bowl at the end of a long stick. It's work (and a vanishing talent in some busy families) which takes literally hours, making certain this syrup doesn't bubble up too high, overflowing the pan. Note that this means you are leaning over a huge, rapidly boiling pan of molten avis car rental discount coupons los angeles sugar, which is over a fire constantly being re-stoked; oh, and yes, we're in the tropics. Hmmm…think I'll bring a fan and a long extension cord next time.
After about 4 hours, the consistency suddenly (yes, really, it's like all of a sudden within 2-3 minutes) changes and you no longer have to stir; it boils inward-within itself! Eugenio, being the expert at hand, recognized that precise moment and declared to the crowd that we were getting close. Another hour of this type of boiling and, oh joy, it's time to check the flavor. Eugenio takes a large dipper and drips a gooey sample into a canister of cool water. The scorching liquid syrup solidifies somewhat-similar to soft caramel- and initiates the official tasting time. Everyone around with a finger heads toward the canister for their taste mmmm! Oh this is good, the happy crowd agrees, and worth all the effort.
Now the hot syrup is scooped up and transferred over to a homemade wooden box where long, flat-ended sticks are now used to again stir, this time in small batches, everyone continuing to take their turns. To the side, Eugenio is slipping us small, warm scoops as we can barely wait long enough for it to cool, to touch and devour. He also puts a large scoop into a metal bowl. We weren't sure what this was for, but then the experienced crowd, who'd grown up or are growing up with this tradition, (obviously not us!) started opening packages of nuts and chocolates and stirring them into the dulce creating something reminiscent avis car rental discount coupons los angeles of fresh brittle and chocolate caramels…ohhhh heaven. If mangoes and papayas are the flavors of the tropics, well then fresh tapa de dulce is what absolute paradise tastes like!
Important Notice : The views and opinions avis car rental discount coupons los angeles shared within this news article are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent those of The Costa Rica Star news network. If you have any feedback or questions pertaining to this article, please use the contact form at the top of the website to get in touch with our editors.

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