Friday, September 7, 2012

The travel agent executive forum will also provide Carnival management with a vehicle for enhancing

Travel executives from the U.S. and Canada joined Carnival Cruise Lines executives at the Ritz-Carlton in Fort Lauderdale, FL earlier this week for the first meeting of the Carnival Executive Forum . The new forum will provide travel agents and Carnival executives opportunities to discuss issues relevant to the cruise industry, including product, sales and marketing policies, and distribution. The forum will meet twice a year during intensive two-day conferences with members serving two-year terms.
luxury car rental san diego The travel agent executive forum will also provide Carnival management with a vehicle for enhancing their understanding of unique challenges faced by travel agents while looking for best-practice solutions that will benefit all parties involved.
"Travel agents are the largest and most vital part of our distribution system, said Lynn Torrent, Carnival's senior vice president of sales and guest experience. And while Carnival has always enjoyed luxury car rental san diego an excellent relationship with the travel agent community, this new executive luxury car rental san diego forum offers luxury car rental san diego an opportunity to enhance our dialogue with agents while seeking new ways to make them more successful and profitable in today's marketplace."
The 19 travel agent members that comprise the Carnival Executive Forum were specifically chosen to represent a wide range of business models, including traditional "brick and mortar" agencies, home-based travel agents, consortia, and online retailers. Additionally, the members represent agencies of different sizes and from various regions throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Carnival executives participating luxury car rental san diego in the forum include President and CEO Gerry Cahill , Executive Vice President of Marketing and Guest Experience Ruben Rodriguez , Senior Vice President of Sales and Guest Experience Lynn Torrent , Vice President of Field Sales Joni Rein , and Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships Edie Bornstein . Other members of Carnival's senior management team will be participating in this function, as well.
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