Sunday, September 9, 2012

The EPA wouldn’t provide anyone for an interview. But a press release says sulfur pollution from bun

The Latitude 58 Children s Radio Theatre Project performs radio shows of The Hobbit, Pippi Longstockings, Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy, more Posted in Local Programs , Tune In | Comments Off Juneau Afternoon sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards 7/24/12 by July 23, 2012 2:48 pm
Some Alaska communities are pushing back against a new requirement that ships sailing within 200 miles of the coast burn cleaner fuel. They say the rule, which goes into effect Wednesday, Aug.1st, will hurt cruise traffic and increase sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards shipping costs.
The cost of the ECA on a cruise ticket could be $150, or three times the cost of the Alaska head tax. We lost five big ships because of the head tax. By extrapolation, will we lose 15 ships? he asks.
Skagway's assembly passed sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards a resolution Hites asked for by a unanimous vote. It calls for state officials to fight the new requirement, which lowers sulfur dioxide emissions within 200 miles of shore.
Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan also issued a statement saying the rules could impact barge traffic. And U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski took to her chamber's floor to point out that rural Alaska would see the highest price hikes from more expensive shipping.
The EPA wouldn't provide anyone for an interview. But a press release says sulfur pollution from bunker fuel, used by cruise ships and some barge lines, has been linked to respiratory illnesses. It says children, the elderly sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards and asthmatics are among those most at risk. ( Read some history of the emissions issue .)
Compared to having a tremendous amount of air pollution in Alaska waters, personally, I think that it's worth it, says Gershon Cohen, a Haines clean-water-and-air activist who's been involved in cruise ship issues.
It's not going to come out of the cruise industry's pocket sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards one way or another. They're going to pass that cost on the consumers. And for the thousands that the consumers sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards are spending, I don't think they're really going to ever notice, Cohen says.
There is a pall over Lynn Canal. There is a tremendous amount of air pollution there. A lot of folks in Skagway are concerned. sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards They saying the air pollution is killing the trees above Dewey Lake. So, if we're killing people in our coastal communities sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards from air pollution from ships, that this is probably like a pretty good idea to take care of it and make them use cleaner sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards fuel, he says.
In the Southeast sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards market, Ketchikan all the way to Haines sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards and Skagway, no, says Kevin Anderson, president of Seattle-based Alaska Marine Lines. Our tugboats burn diesel and these regulations are not going to affect us. So there's not going to be an added fuel surcharge because of that.
There will be more competition for the ultra-low-sulfur diesel, like is burned in trucks and whatnot. Presumably the price will go up for that as there's more demand for that part of the barrel of oil that's refined, Binkley says.
Foodland IGA to open Monday Downtown sonoma valley inns bed and breakfast vineyards Juneau's only large-scale full service grocer is closed Sunday while employees work to transition from Alaskan & Proud ownership to the new Myers Group Foodland IGA. more Alaska VA stands down for Southeast vets More than 800 military vets attended the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs first ever "Stand Down" in Southeast Alaska last week. more

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