Monday, September 10, 2012

Please, Perez, cease to post any photo of the "K" sisters. Especially the ones they take themselves

These self taken photos where the person tries to look sexy are just pathetic and desperate (Kim K). But when Beiber does it, it is hilarious! It just looks like he is taking it from behind and his lover/assailant has been photo shopped out of the picture.
Yes, you are pretty, Yes, I know we love your hair. You are on E TV everyday and I do enjoy sometimes tokyo and boutique hotels watching the Kardashian sisters. I suppose most Reality TV is fake or not quite "real". However, I think we have seen your picture and hair and everything else about 50 times a day. Do we need to see the pic you forced in the mirror this morning or last night? We do know what you look like .I think. Without all that hair and makeup and eyelashes we might not recognize you. How about tweeting a pic of you with no makeup and smiling for the world. Tell your sister Chloe Hello, she comes off on the show as being more realistic and relatable, which I suppose if you were all like that the show would be kind of boring. Okay, I will see you tonight or tomorrow. Have a great Sunday!!!
They are all disgusting but I find Kim the most disgusting because she is plastic and fake from head to toe and has no talent other than making people think she is a REAL celebrity. That is her entire tokyo and boutique hotels talent.
Please, Perez, cease to post any photo of the "K" sisters. Especially the ones they take themselves which are super cheesy, which should comprise about 100% of the pics out there. Surely other beautiful "stars" tokyo and boutique hotels exist who are not so self-involved.

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