Monday, September 17, 2012

Pickpockets always can be found in the major tourist sites of China,  Lhasa is not an exception Alwa

Fujian Tulou are the vernacular Hakka clay dwellings in the mountainous areas in the southwest Fujian Province of China. The earthen train travel umbria italy Tulou houses provide communal housing and reinforcing the structure of clans, and listed as World Cultural Heritage in 2008.
Plan your Lhasa Tour ? Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region and has long been the center of politics, economy, culture and religion in Tibet. train travel umbria italy It is one of the most charming cities in the country. While travelling in Lhasa, there are several tourist scams that visitors should be aware of. Always be careful with what you do and with who you can trust in Lhasa.
In Lhasa , you can see many nutcake sellers around train travel umbria italy Beijing East Road, all sellers are Ugyhur Muslims and they have beautiful and colorful nutcakes on trolleys. If you want to but them, they will first ask you to choose a portion, and ask you again if you want to cut the cake from one position, not too careful most tourists would say yes, then the sellers would cut a big piece and tell you to pay CNY 50 or more for it, if you refuse to pay the money, they will become very aggressive and will frighten you by their knife. Just don't buy it!
"Black" taxis refer to the illegal taxis or cars that can be found in Lhasa . You may encounter them almost everywhere you need a taxi, including the airport, the city center, or around attractions. The drivers will approach you and asking "where are you going". They will not only overcharge you but there have been reports of tourists taken out into the middle of nowhere where several of the black taxi drivers friend showed up and took all of the tourists belongings. Don't even talk to these people.
Temple scams also happen in various big cities and also in Lhasa . When you are visiting a temple with a tour, tour guides may ask you to make a wish and burn an incense which ends up costing a hundred to more than a thousand. Another trick is to ask you how much you want to "donate". If you said 10 yuan, they will tell you that 10 yuan is for 1 day blessing but the monk has already turned an incense to bless you for 1 year, so you need to pay 3650 yuan. This scam has caused significant sentiment because of blasphemy. Don't believe the tour guides. train travel umbria italy Just follow your heart.
You can find "Black" Tour Guide almost everywhere of large cities of China, Lhasa  is not an exception. train travel umbria italy An attractive train travel umbria italy male or female will approach the tourist and offer to be a free or a very cheap tour guide. They take visitors to some stores on the way to the attractions and force them to shop. The products in the stores are expensive with poor quality. The visitors are all cheated by the "Black" tour guide. Just remember, there is no free lunch in the world, so leave them far away from you.
Pickpockets always can be found in the major tourist sites of China,  Lhasa is not an exception Always keep your eyes on your bags, and carry your wallets in a front pocket or a pocket inside your coat when you are walking on the street or taking the bus. Beware of these young men and also of the ladies in whose interests they ply their trade. If you are stolen, or you find other being stolen, or you have pickpocket clues, you are encouraged to call the anti-pickpocket hotline 110.
Having paid your entrance fee to get into the monasteries the enterprising monks will then charge you to take photos inside. Be warned, its not just one charge for taking a photo inside, it's a separate charge in each of the major chapels. You can take as many photos as you like but if you visit a lot of monasteries it can add up.
In  Lhasa , you will have the chance to see some children beg for money, sometimes even grabbing onto your legs until you pay them some money. There are reports that these children may have been kidnapped from other places specifically to be used for begging purposes. Just avoid those child beggars. If you give money to child beggars, you may have the risk of getting a swarm of them.

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