Saturday, September 1, 2012

GuitarPlayer    ScottsMerkin wasn't there just a case in Dallas County? seriously the press and the

For the second time in three days, a federal court has called a Texas voting measure as discriminatory. Earlier today, a three-judge panel in D.C. issued an opinion striking down the state's voter ID law, passed by the legislature flight menu for alaska airlines last year.
The law would require voters to present a valid photo ID at the polls (concealed handgun permits are okay, student IDs aren't). Simple, but not quite simple enough. The court found, unanimously, that Texas' law would disproportionately affect minorities in violation flight menu for alaska airlines of the Voting Rights Act, writing that "everything that Texas has submitted as affirmative evidence is unpersuasive, invalid or both."
"[U]ncontested record flight menu for alaska airlines evidence," the court continues, "conclusively shows that the implicit costs of obtaining an SB-14 qualifying ID will fall most heavily on the poor and that a disproportionately high percentage of African-Americans and Hispanics in Texas live in poverty."
"This case demonstrates precisely why we still need Section 5 in 2012," said Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas. "Without the process of federal review it mandates, democracy would have failed the largely minority population who cannot afford to purchase the underlying documents, travel long distances - up to 100 miles in some cases - or take off work to get to the closest government office flight menu for alaska airlines that issues photo identification."
"The Supreme Court of the United States flight menu for alaska airlines has already upheld Voter ID laws as a constitutional method of ensuring integrity at the ballot box," he wrote in a prepared statement. "Today's decision is wrong on the law and improperly prevents Texas from implementing the same type of ballot integrity safeguards that are employed by Georgia and Indiana - and were upheld by the Supreme Court. The State will appeal this decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, where we are confident we will prevail."
"Federal judges flight menu for alaska airlines subverted the will of the people of Texas and undermined our effort to ensure fair and accurate flight menu for alaska airlines elections. The Obama Administration's claim that it's a burden to present flight menu for alaska airlines a photo ID to vote simply defies common sense."
time to hold massive exit polls during next election to ask how many voters would already be able to produce a picture ID of any kind ....these are the ACTUAL voter population....not some phoney statistics of folks that MIGHT not be able to vote....even though they NEVER vote anyway.  How about a tax on any citizens that DOES NOT VOTE then.
You have not figured out this law's real purpose to get a perfect case before the Supreme Court to gut the Voting Rights Act. We will have two laws, one recently flight menu for alaska airlines approved flight menu for alaska airlines by these justices for a non-Voting Rights Act state and one exactly the same struck flight menu for alaska airlines down by a lower court because VRA. Voila another 5-4 decision stating Fed Courts cannot have different standards in different states.
The real issue is not about some stupid ID laws that nobody can really know one way or the other what is the impact. The real issue is this anachronism left over from the 60's with General Holder delivering it with a bow to the Supremes.
I have to get a background check to go eat lunch with my kid at his school.  I have to prove who I am to fly, drive, drink, enlist in the military, get electrical service, flight menu for alaska airlines cable, buy a car and check into a hotel.  Yes the constitution doesn't flight menu for alaska airlines require ID.  Yes, it leaves those laws up to the States.  It does say only Citizens can vote, so how do we know who is a Citizen?  During my misspent flight menu for alaska airlines youth, I lost my driving flight menu for alaska airlines privileges for a couple of years, but I always had an ID.  Any Citizen can get one.  I saw people of all races and economic situations getting them.  Trust me, if you made people flight menu for alaska airlines get an ID to collect Welfare flight menu for alaska airlines (not sure, do we require flight menu for alaska airlines that?), they would jump through any hoop to get one.  Makes one wonder, why are the Dems so insistent on allowing non-Citizens to vote?
Time for Dems to start to consider better ways of handling this issue. Like most hot-button / wedge issues, this rolls around every couple years like that petrified Grandy's biscuit under the front seat of your Camry: It's there and it's not going away.
Rather than fan the flames of indignant progressives, activists should be scouring areas of southern Dallas and other areas where they think that there are populations of underrepresented potential voters, raising awareness and actively help those people to obtain valid I.D. so that NOBODY could challenge their constitutional right to vote.
"The court found, unanimously, that Texas' law would disproportionately affect minorities in violation of the Voting Rights Act, writing that "everything that Texas has submitted as affirmative evidence is unpersuasive, invalid or both."
Cecil that is the land of SELLING absentee vote cards to the highest bidder, conducted by agents and african american ministers who canvas absentee ballot holders, obtain them signed in blank, and sell them to the candidate who is in a tight race for a last minute blitz vote.
please stop wasting our tax dollars fighting the court system over rules that they are clearly not going to approve, while you cut the budget for our under funded schools. Texas has the worst school system in the country. Let's focus on that for a while, k? thx.
ResistanceIsOhm  Schools are not underfunded.  PARENTS are not taking responsibility for teaching their chilldren flight menu for alaska airlines to properly attend school to become educated.  We are sick of bleeding money into the school system.  If parents are going to BREED and produce children they need to step up and spend their own money and stop blaming government for education challenges due to ill-behaved children.
" A verdict has come down in the Carlos Medrano case. The former Dallas County justice of the peace was found guilty of illegal voting."  I dont think in-person voter fraud at the polls is the real issue, and the current voter ID law is mis-directed as drafted.  However, If you think fraud is not rampant in elections, you are not being honest with yourself.
Mr_Hand   So what if it dated in Feb?  These laws were well on their way. The fact is that voter fraud is so low. This is all fake outrage over a problem that doesn't exist and meant to keep the poor and minorities away from the polls because they are usually Democrats. You don't have to be as stupid as to think a woman can't get preggo from rape to understand that.
GuitarPlayer  Im curious, your attitude makes it seem as if you are painting me as a right wing nut?  If thats your argument you are wrong. Im not naive enough to think that voter fraud doesnt happen.  We are humans, it human nature for people to cheat and game the system.  hell how do you think your favorite politician gets anywhere in life
GuitarPlayer    ScottsMerkin wasn't there just a case in Dallas County? seriously the press and the DA's don't want to investigate allegations of voter fraud. but there have been several instances around the country of voter fraud. where voter fraud is especially problematic is when the election is close. recently there were some local elections in Texas that some of the races ended in ties. or look at Minnesota with the election of  Al Franken to the US Senate
"In the eyes of the Obama administration, most Democratic lawmakers and left-leaning editorial pages across the country, voter fraud is a problem that doesn't exist. flight menu for alaska airlines Allegations flight menu for alaska airlines of fraud, they say, are little more than pretexts conjured up by Republicans to justify voter ID laws designed to suppress Democratic turnout."
Then, they require the voter ID, and there is no arguable VRA argument based on "but look at all the people that desperately want to vote but have never done anything else in their lives that requires an ID!"
harris6707    furflying  My property values are not dependent on schools.  There are no children in my neighborhood and I like it that way.  I still get to pay for schools and I am not getting what I am paying for.  PARENTS need to bear the cost of education over what is already being contributed by overtaxed taxpayers.

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