Sunday, August 26, 2012

The American public has no idea how much it costs to graduate a class from the Air Force Academy. We

The American public has no idea how much it costs to graduate a class from the Air Force Academy. We had the opportunity to witness that graduation several years ago, and then, a few years later, a wedding in that chapel (same person). The graduation lasts several days. They have the ceremony where the senior class passes command (?) to the upcoming seniors which included a flyover of just about everything the Air Force flies or ever has flown. Of course they came from all over the country to get there. I-25 was jammed with onlookers. (For those unaware, I-25 goes right buy the academy). There is another special ceremony where the new lieutenants have their bars pinned on by someone rent a car 18 orlando special. Then, the next day, comes the actual ceremony in the football stadium. I can t remember now whether this took two or three days. The chapel actually contains three chapels; Catholic, Protestant and Jewish. The day of the wedding, there were actually two weddings going on. Fortunately we got to the right place at the right time. Our friend is now a Captain and flies B-1 bombers out of Ellsworth Air Force Base at Rapid City SD. And has a child on the way. JC Reply Delete Replies Janice L Evans August 22, 2012 9:06 PM
That is true that there are three chapels JC. . .I completely forgot about that because the main one was so beautiful. . .it left the others in it s shadow! We got there just as all the cadet classes were dismissing to the dorms. . .which was rather interesting. It seems that perhaps the first year class has to run everywhere. . .do you know if that is true? We were also there for the end of the day lowering the flag ceremony. . .it was cool to see everyone. . .civilians and cadets alike come to attention as the trumpets began. . . Glad you got to witness a graduation. . .I m sure that is magnificent. . . Delete Reply Paul and Marsha Weaver...OCT. 17, 2009 August 23, 2012 6:26 PM
Lovely header photo! Love the Pike Peaks area. We visited the Chapel years ago. It is awesome. Hope you got to see it at night. Magnificent! Reply Delete Replies Janice L Evans August 24, 2012 2:43 AM
Thanks Marsha. . .as you can see. . .your lessons rent a car 18 orlando on the header pics worked. . .LOL! Didn t see the chapel at night. . .but loved it. . .and so glad we experienced it! Enjoy setting up housekeeping again. . . Delete Reply Kathy August 24, 2012 8:57 AM
We haven t been to that part of Colorado yet, so I especially loved your post! Our commitment to Oregon rent a car 18 orlando State Parks at Cape Blanco is until Sept. 30th. Then we head south to San Jose, CA to see our youngest son, the doctors and dental check ups sort of thing. Thanks for reading our blog! Kathy Webb Reply Delete Replies Janice L Evans August 24, 2012 9:45 AM
Well, although this summer rent a car 18 orlando has been a little warm, it is a lovely place to be. . .and we have enjoyed it thoroughly. . .making our way back to Texas for the same dentists, doctors, experience, etc. . . Your part of the world is on our list. . .just not sure when! Enjoy Cape Blanco. . .hope the weather clears up for ya! Delete rent a car 18 orlando Reply Add comment Load more...

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