Wednesday, August 8, 2012

That is not what a free country is all about. That is what a totalitarian country is all about. We n

Last winter The Future of Freedom Foundation held one of the most important programs in our 22-year history our College Civil Liberties Tour, which took us to four college campuses: Columbia University, Indiana University�Purdue University, Middle Tennessee State College, and Ohio State University. The program, which was co-organized map of los angeles in 1910 and co-sponsored by Young Americans for Liberty (YAL), attracted audiences of 100�150 people, most of whom were students. At each campus, one could easily sense the interest, passion, and concern that the students had about the state of our country and the direction in which it is headed.
Why am I relating this to you? Because in October we are taking our College map of los angeles in 1910 Civil Liberties Tour to the West! And we re asking you to continue your great support of FFF with a midyear donation to help us fund this tour.
Our program consists of three speakers a liberal, a conservative, and a libertarian all three of whom share much the same perspective on civil liberties, foreign policy, and the so-called war on terrorism.
map of los angeles in 1910 As the first speaker, I present the uncompromising libertarian case for civil liberties. The second speaker, Glenn Greenwald , is a constitutional attorney who blogs at and was named by Forbes magazine as one of the top 25 most influential liberals in the country. Last winter, map of los angeles in 1910 it was easy to see that Glenn s participation on the panel attracted many students to the events. Bruce Fein goes third. He s also a constitutional attorney, and he served in the Justice Department under Ronald Reagan. Fein s eloquent and spellbinding presentations enraptured the students. The speeches are followed by what always turned out to be the best part of the program the discussion period.
Moderating the panels is Jack Hunter , an eloquent speaker who works for YAL, writes for the American Conservative magazine, serves as an advisor for the Ron Paul campaign, and was a regular commentator map of los angeles in 1910 on Judge Andrew Napolitano map of los angeles in 1910 s Freedom Watch television program on the Fox Business Network.
San Francisco, San Diego, Phoenix, and Boulder. This division of labor is one of the most fantastic aspects of the program. YAL sets up and promotes the event on each of the college campuses, and FFF organizes the panels and all the travel and hotel arrangements. Like last time, we ll be live-streaming and videotaping the events and posting them on our website.
We now live in a country in which the president wields the omnipotent authority to attack, map of los angeles in 1910 invade, and occupy any nation on earth, map of los angeles in 1910 for whatever reason he deems proper, without the constitutionally map of los angeles in 1910 required congressional declaration of war. We live in a country in which the president also now wields the omnipotent power to assassinate people in the name of the war on terrorism map of los angeles in 1910 as well as the authority to kidnap people anywhere in the world and have them tortured and incarcerated indefinitely, even for the rest of their lives, all without the benefit of a jury trial or due process of law.
Those who thought the post�9/11 emergency powers would only be exercised against foreign citizens map of los angeles in 1910 have been disabused of that notion; the military and the CIA, following the orders of President Bush and President Obama, have arrested, tortured, incarcerated without trial, and assassinated map of los angeles in 1910 American citizens who were accused of being terrorists. We live in a country in which there is also a constant environment of fear, one in which people are subjected map of los angeles in 1910 to humiliating and abusive searches at the hands of government officials at airports and to secret, surreptitious sneak-and-peek searches into people s homes and financial affairs.
That is not what a free country is all about. That is what a totalitarian map of los angeles in 1910 country is all about. We need to turn things around. We can turn things around. Never in the history of the libertarian movement has there been such widespread passion and enthusiasm for the libertarian philosophy, especially among young people. In fact, one of the most interesting aspects of this phenomenon is listening to students tell us how they re getting their parents map of los angeles in 1910 into libertarianism!
Our audiences are not limited to students. If you live in the areas we ll be visiting, I hope you ll plan to join us, and bring your friends, for one of the most intellectually enjoyable evenings you ll ever experience, one of vital importance to the future well-being of our nation.
P.S. While our program is devoted to the importance of civil liberties, we make it a point to distribute our booklet Economic Liberty and the Constitution and our monthly journal, Future of Freedom, to everyone who attends.
Sheldon Richman map of los angeles in 1910 is senior fellow at The Future map of los angeles in 1910 of Freedom Foundation, author of Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare map of los angeles in 1910 State, and editor of The Freeman magazine. Visit his blog Free Association at Send him email .
Anthony map of los angeles in 1910 Gregory is a research analyst at the Independent Institute , a policy adviser for the Future of Freedom Foundation, map of los angeles in 1910 and a columnist at . Anthony's map of los angeles in 1910 website is . Send him email .
James Bovard is the author of Attention Deficit Democracy [2006] as well as The Bush Betrayal [2004], Lost Rights [1994] and Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice and Peace to Rid the World of Evil (Palgrave-Macmillan, September 2003) and serves as a policy advisor for The Future of Freedom Foundation. Send him email .
Benjamin Powell is an assistant professor of economics at San Jose State University and serves as academic advisor to The Future of Freedom Foundation. He conducted research on the Irish economy as a fellow with the Mercatus Center s Global Prosperity Initiative. Send him email .
Wendy McElroy is the author of The Reasonable Woman: A Guide to Intellectual Survival (Prometheus Books, 1998). For additional articles on current events by Ms. McElroy, please visit the Commentary section map of los angeles in 1910 of our website.
Jarret Wollstein is a director at The International Society for Individual Liberty and co-founder of the original Society for Individual Liberty in 1969. He is the author of 28 books and special reports, including Surviving Terrorism and Shadow Over the Land: The Government's War On Your Liberty.

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