Saturday, August 4, 2012

Each cruise line has their own individual policies for mustering passengers.  Some articles have cal

Ever since the unfortunate incident aboard the Costa Concordia in January, there has been much discussion about the lifeboat drills conducted cheap new york city hotels onboard cruise ships. Do they work? Are they effective? And what if anything cheap new york city hotels needs to be done to prevent the kind of confusion that ensued aboard the Concordia which, incidentally, is a much larger topic of discussion.
A cruise is one of the safest vacations you can take, much in the same way that flying is one of the safest modes of transportation available, despite what the news media and Hollywood would lead you to believe.
cheap new york city hotels Can you run into trouble on a cruise? Of course but you can run into trouble outside your own home.  The same holds true for hotels, all-inclusive resorts, trains, yachts, catamarans, and log cabins tucked away in the wilderness, if that's your thing.
The important point that seems to have slipped by the wayside is that everyone has a responsibility during these lifeboat drills, including you and me. You need to know how your lifejacket is put on and secured.  You need to know where your muster station is, and how to get there.  If you don't know, ask. Don't assume that there will be people guiding you in an emergency; you should know how to get there unaided if at all possible.
True the cruise line is responsible for your safety and well-being onboard the ship, but there's that old saying: you can lead a horse to water …  Don't be the horse that gets led to the stream, only to be confused by what to do.
Each cruise line has their own individual policies for mustering passengers.  Some articles have called for these to be standardized, but I personally feel that would be a mistake. After all, the way you muster nearly 6,000 passengers on a megaliner is going to have to be much more involved than mustering a few hundred passengers aboard a smaller ship, and each vessel has its own unique design challenges that must be taken into account.
I've done muster drills cheap new york city hotels more times than I can count much in the same way I  can recite the safety briefing onboard several airlines off by heart.  But even on an airplane, I still look around at where my exits are.  Why?  Because cheap new york city hotels not all planes are created equal and neither are cruise ships.
Unless you sail in the same stateroom cheap new york city hotels onboard the same ship every year and I know some of you do you'll need to pay attention to the drill. Even if you are the one couple that has their favorite suite on their favorite ship, it's still important and these days, mandatory to attend.  Failure to do so has resulted in more than a few guests receiving advance disembarkation assistance and you don't want that to happen.
So the next time you cruise, take a few moments during the muster drill to really listen to what they have to say to you.  Pay attention; don't joke around in the background or make light of it, and definitely don't bring your drinks to the drill.
Very true. But, at the same time, not all cruise line lifeboat cheap new york city hotels drills are created equal. I particularly remember the lifeboat drill on the MSC Poesia: we were asked to put on our lifejackets before the drill (without any guidance on how to put them on properly). The actual drill consisted of a video on how to put the lifejacket on, the onboard photographers taking photographs of us and pretty much nothing else. For instance, it WOULD have been nice to know how exactly we were suppoed to get from our muster station (the casino) to the lifeboats in case of a real emergency. (Sure, I know we would be guided by the crew but it would have still been nice of them to tell us that ).
From the Deck Chair and site content © 2009-2012 Aaron Saunders, unless otherwise noted. All information is considered accurate at the original time of publication; certain features, layouts, and amenities may have changed cheap new york city hotels since.

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